Monday, October 31, 2022

Happy Halloween

My back was sore upon waking and I had a headache, not a good way to start the week. H did not want to eat breakfast either but did so later in the morning. Coffee got us both going; S on his laptop and I marketing. To help my back I took some meds then we headed out for a hot tub soak. 

After a rinse I put on paint clothes and headed out to stain the cabinet so it could dry while busy next few days.

Inside I finished up the transfer apron tutorial and did the usual posting and shares while S talked bison with Jarrod. 

We had a cold beer and leftovers for lunch with Ma and Pa arriving after 1 and joined us for a cold beer. As usual Ma K brought goodies so after pizza and birthday cake too. I quickly vacuumed out the car then we headed to the city. Ticket to Paradise was a movie they wanted to see especially since it was about a destination wedding. Unfortunately, 2 of the girls were working and B was painting her bathroom and could not join us. Being a Monday at 3:00 there was no one at the theatre with only 4 other “older” couples at the movie. It was a cute movie.

After we went to Joey’s hoping Shaina could meet for us for a drink but her schedule did not work out to do so. We had a bite to eat then headed home after 6. THANK YOU Ma & Pa for supper and getting us motivated to leave the ranch and take in a movie day! xoxo

Back at the ranch, I fed H, S made cocktails and we visited with Britt joining us at 7:30. We played cards with B running out to put cats away during a break, THANKS. She and Cooper were off for home after 9 to either pack her bags or paint her bathroom a 4th coat of paint. We played more cards before heading to bed at 1. S was off to sleep while I started another new series called Dubai Bling. I was curious to see all the riches of Dubai but it is so hard reading subtitles so late at night so only watched 1 episode.

Sunday, October 30, 2022

Charcoal table sold

I got the coffee on after feeding H and enjoyed a cup in bed playing brain games while S napped. We had planned to go ATV'ing today as last nice day before winters arrives but I had a wind alert for Bragg Creek area, boo. When S woke, he decided we should skip the trip and not long later the wind started here but did not last long. After our coffees we got the main area tidied as I had a person want to come view the dining table. This was needed as we also have Ma and Pa coming for a visit seeing we are staying home for the day. 

I glued the lower edges of the box I glued the inside top. We changed sheets on the one basement bed fresh for guests then S moved the horses into the winter pasture and locked up for the day seeing there may be a few folks coming and going. He let the cats out too in the now 11-degree day. I continued the tidying and computer work with S perusing his laptop. Somewhere along the way I tweaked my back ;( The couple arrived just before 1, liked the table and had it loaded and on their way in short order. 

We finished up the bison roast in sandwiches for lunch then I was back to computer work. S ventured out after a rest to photograph the outdoor area he was organizing but back in short order as the wind picked up again. I changed into paint clothes and headed out to finish painting the front of the cabinet, the hardware and make touchups on other areas. S went out to finish his outdoor area sorting so I took H for a walk to get her moving for a bit then helped him move pallets and a water tote that in the end we hauled back out and put for sale. Ma & Pa changed plans to come tomorrow instead so I offered to go help Dad with his supper.

We both changed clothes and jumped in the truck to head to town after 4. Britt had just got here to feed as we were leaving. First stop was to help Dad with his supper then we all walked for a bit and tucked him into bed for an after-supper nap. We then went to BP's for our supper, we thought about going to the fish truck at fright night but the wind was still up and I never get excited for greasy battered fish. 

We had a good supper then restocked on booze, groceries, fuel and grabbed a tea before heading back to the ranch by 7:30. Supplies unloaded and put away as well as the cats then S was in big brown watching football and I updating the blog. I went out to sand the painted edges and ended up scraping the drawer edge off and repainting as there was a long drip line. The wind continued to howl and poop smell was awful so no hot tub. Instead, I had a shower with S following suit then we crawled into bed to watch a couple Animal Kingdom episodes. S was almost instantly asleep after shutting it off. I watched another Drink Master before I went to sleep.

Saturday, October 29, 2022

Furniture pickup

Looks like another beauty day ahead with a coffee in bed after feeding H. Marketing / laptop perusing and a bowl of cereal for us both along with the second cup started our day. I headed out to garage to add slick primer to a case I wanted to get done then back to the hand scraping of the cabinet.

After his online time and relax S went out to move the wood piles he made yesterday around. We met in the kitchen for a late lunch at 1 of tuna sandwiches and yep Japanese salad :) He got in big brown for a rest and I went out to continue my scraping and sanding. B and Coop arrived to feed and do horse things in the 13 degree weather. 

scraping is like peeling sunburn skin, once you start you can't stop :)

I was hard at work when my phone rang after 4 with the gal who ordered the tiles and bought the dresser. She and her mom were here to pick them up in 2 cars. I scurried out to open the yard gate then she and I loaded the dresser up and into her moms car. She took the tiles and they were on their way. 

S was back out now moving his wood piles and organizing the area outside the shop. This organizing is going well in this weather. B finished up her stuff and was off for home at 4:30. 

I gave H some salmon for her supper and back to my project adding paint. The inside was painted black and a few of the narrow portions. S was in at 5 reminding me we planned to tub then. I finished up my painting and washed the brush up. 

Our soak was lovely, there was a bit of wind but it was sunny with a chinook arch so all was good. Back inside it was shower and cook taco supper. So yummy as always with a new cheese flavor taco shell S picked up. After supper he hit big brown to watch the ball game while I went out to sand/distress the painted areas. Over 5 hours on this beauty today but it is really coming along.

The blog was worked on next then I joined S in the TV room for the battle of Alberta hockey game. Sadly the Flames did not win. I headed to bed to watch a new series called Drink Masters. S watched the sports highlights. Shaina was the only Halloween fun gal dressing up and off to a party tonight. Can you guess what they are?

Friday, October 28, 2022

Another birthday in October

Today is Ma K's 80th birthday, HAPPY CAKE DAY!! We called her as we had our first coffee in bed. Then I was on to marketing with second cup and S to his laptop after running to let cats out for the day. I had an online bank survey which paid me $30 for half hour of my opinions, looks like groceries are good this week, well at least some bread and milk :)

For lunch I made a Japanese salad while S fried up a toad in the hole with added veggies on the side and some salad. S helped me haul in the latest dining table then had a nap on the couch while I staged some photos then did some marketing.

Wanting some new smaller projects I pulled out this case I had cleaned up awhile back and saw the lining was loose so glued it and stacked weight on it to dry overnight.

I started working on the cabinet as my next project next hauling it over to the open area by the hose. I started hand scraping the loose finish which turned into 2 hours of scraping and vacuuming as I went but think it looks good. B popped out during this fed and was off having today off work. It was a blustery day out today.

It was safer to remove the glass and fretwork seeing I kept laying on its side for better strokes. Look at the dust bunnies and gunk always found between glass and edges from years of use.

hand scraping video

I finished one side and came in to write the dining table, get photos watermarked and get it listed in all the sale spots. Tables sure take up allot of room so fingers crossed 1 or 2 sell soon.

S had flushed the hot tub filters then went to organize wood. He cut apart the rafters we had stored under the trailer to make a pile of useable 2X4's and sorted rail end chunks into tubs and other organizing around the sheds. He came in at 5:30 and seeing the wind had finally quit we went out for a hot tub in the sunshine. No wind and sunshine make a huge difference to a good soak.

Back inside I vacuumed while S did the rest of the chemical updates for the hot tub. Supper was left over bison roast with S concocting another grilled sandwich idea. I stuck with traditional meat and veggies. The first world series ball game started today.  S also filled the tub seeing the days are looking to get cold. He put away the cats for the night with soft food treat before back to the ball game and laptop. I continued computer work then moved to bed.

As the ball game went into extra innings to a Philly win we borrowed Nathan's Apple TV (THANK YOU) to watch the Animal Kingdom episodes our PVR did not record as well as 1 more. S was then off to dream land and I finished the High series.

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Stairs and shoe rack complete

I awoke thinking how dark it seems at 8:30 as the days get shorter and remembered time changes soon. Looking it up I found next w/e it changes back an hour. I moved the shoe rack into place and put shoes back on as H ate her breakfast. Laundry day was started, I threw a bison roast in the slow cooker then it was then coffee time and computer work listening along to the Healing Journey 2 zoom class S was watching on his phone while checking auction items on his laptop.

When it ended at 11:30 I headed out to check the horses' feet for B. It was blustery and the intensity increased once I got back in the house. What an ugly dreary windy day. Lunch was leftovers for S as I had a bowl of cereal around 11.

We headed to town after 1 stopping at Canadian Tire to get a new hockey stick and puck for S. It was then off to the arena where he hoped to play shinny at 1:30 but found the players were all in full equipment. This was not what he was hoping for, so we left. A few vases were picked up then we went to visit Dad. We found him napping in the TV room and after getting him awake for a short bit to say hi he was back asleep, so we left him to catch up on his sleep. Cooper was picked up next. A quick stop at the pawn shop did not find any used hockey sticks. S picked up a signed tenant contract from the rental condo then I grabbed a few groceries as the last of the errands.

Heading back to the ranch we grabbed the mail that is nearly nonexistent these days. We were back home before 3 unloading the few groceries and new stick. I made a sandwich and cup of tea to have while doing computer work, S perused the net. I chopped veggies and threw in slow cooker too.

The wind let up quite a bit and the sun came out, so we headed out for a soak in the hot tub after 4:30. It was beautiful out! After our shower S sliced the roast and we ate as the wind picked up again. Great timing for our tub indeed. After cleanup I did computer work catching up the blog again. B arrived at 7:30 fed quickly and took Cooper home. It was then we realized the cats were never let out all day but it was a yucky day so sure they were ok missing it. 

S and I crawled into bed with our usual yogurt bowl and finished the Watcher series not loving the ending. We then got back into season 6 of Animal Kingdom and watched up until we found an episode did not record on the PVR. Luckily Nathan has the season on his Apple account and will let us watch it on there another day. S went to sleep and I watched some more High series.

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Another vet visit

It was an early wake up for me today with H sounding the doorbell then I heard Cooper bark. I remembered Britt was coming out before work to check Roo. Dave drove in a few minutes later with Tims for them.It is -5 out, brrr. I saw all the horses were in the yard and they were wrangling them and got Roo in to check finally. B put Cooper in the house and was off to work after 7 with Dave behind her. I managed to fall back asleep till 9, yeah!

I sent H out to go around for her breakfast for the last time as after our coffees we headed out to get the stairs back in place. But first I loaded up boxes I had on hand and ran to the gate for a gal. While the car was out, S swept the floor area then we got the stairs in place. He nailed/screwed them in while I swept the area and moved stuff back in place. H sounded the doorbell again when her food was delivered. Crap more boxes after I just got rid of the stack but will remember in my sleep tonight that B is moving and could have used them all!

I painted the shoe rack the same dark grey as the stairs as S tidied jackets and the washer/dryer area. It is really looking good. There was a break in painting the shoe rack to get the vanity loaded up for the owner. She had her 2 littles again today so it took a bit longer and they all like to visit. The horses were laying in the sun as we loaded. S was making lunch as we did this. I went back out and finished the paint coat and closed the yard gate I had opened. It will be opened yet again as the vet is coming to see Roo later today. Inside I caught the last of the noon news and made a bacon tomato sandwich.

Back in the garage I clear coated the black tabletops, repainted the chair seat and used the clear coat from the table to seal the shoe rack. S scrubbed up a flames floor mat to set on the dryer he cleaned off and set B's potions all neatly on it. He then hit big brown to peruse the online auction, yikes :)

all tidied and pretty

Inside I started the self-cleaning oven as it is 9 above so can open the windows if gets stinky. While I was at stinky duties I put bleach in the kitchen sink drains as smelly. Then I headed out to catch Roo and put in round pen to await vet Ashley's arrival. While we waited, I also fed the other 2 calling S to watch them and let out once Ashley arrived. The vet visit took about an hour with a physical and movement assessment and xrays. It seems she does have some road founder but mostly is lacking hoof wall for support so tender so suggests casts which B was planning on anyway. She also wanted her confined and in a grazing muzzle to lose some weight poor girl. Vet Ashley was off at 4:30, I put the muzzle on and her in the round pen until B gets here after work.

Harley always has to be part of vet visits but can be too in their pockets so while I held Roo for xrays she stayed seated between my legs :)

S moved the patio chairs to the mez while we did this then he took dogs for a walk while I added the super clear coat to the shoe rack. Inside I caught up the blog in the "stinky" house. I noticed Roo was worked up in the round pen now the horses were at far east fence line so I went to let her out. I took her with the muzzle and as I went to take off and direct her thru the gate she turned and ran thru the yard and out the road gate blowing a boot on her run. I went and got it and shut the gate left open after vet Ashley left and walked to the far east fence only to find the other one not on. It was getting chilly so I walked back to the house got a coat and took the quad out to look for the other boot. I found it and back out to the herd where roo was being a brat not wanting to get caught. Eventually she stood, I put the boots both on and returned to the house.

S had shrimp, zucchini/spinach and gyoza planned for supper but after getting everything in pans on the stove he found it would not work while the oven was self-cleaning. Luckily the BBQ has a burner which he put the veggies on and added the shrimp and gyoza on a cookie sheet in the BBQ. This pan turned out a bit dry but at least all was hot, thanks for cooking S.

I worked on computer stuff while he watched sports. Britt and Dave arrived before 8 and got busy putting casts on both Roo and Bird's front feet. These casts are like glue on shoes to help the feet have support. I ran items out they needed, put cats away for the night and watched while Dave applied the casts to Roo.

cold Cooper borrows his Dads coat to warm up

I headed back to the house at 9 along with cold Cooper who promptly jumped on our bed where S was watching a Halloween movie. We then watched The Watcher for the rest of the evening with B, D and Cooper headed home at 10:15 after locking horses in the winter pasture.