Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Surprise visit to see Dad

I was up in the night closing all the windows at 1:30 as the winds picked up like crazy. I was then up early again for the day before 7, H went to garage and I caught up on IG and a game or two before feeding her at 8. I put a 3rd coat of natural stain oil on table tops then in to make coffee. I woke the prince to join me for  a quick catch up before I was off to the Hat. B text asking to remove Roo's blanket so I ran out and did that and made her food and prepped H's supper too.

Amanda picked me up before 10 with her two littles and we were off to the Hat to surprise Dad with a  visit.

These 2 were stoked to get dinosaur masks and finding the fountain.

We went in and brought Dad out to the sunny gazebo. It was cool when we left at 18 but was now 26 here.

Dad had been up for about 36 hours having a very active night so once we got him to a warm sunny spot and his swollen ankles up on the chair he was fast a sleep for an hour. The kids entertained us with their antics.

Taking him back in after a short walk once up Amanda cut his hair where he fell asleep again. Must be a relaxing trim for sure.

The kids and I played a new pop it game and tried some funny filters on Snapchat.

After his haircut we tucked him in his bed with his feet up for a nap and headed to DQ for a late lunch early supper around 3:30. I had the pleasure of dining with a couple vampires. Then back to the cottage before 5 thinking Dad would be done supper but it seems he had slept thru supper. He was awake though when we got to his room. I helped the nurse get him changed into his Pj's and out to eat the supper they had kept for him. While Dad was having his supper I heard the cash register, another Etsy sale; the last turquoise mason jar!

The kids had the residents quite intrigued in the TV room, when Dad was finished his supper he joined us all to catch the news which unfortunately at 5:30 is Spokane not his favorite Calgary CTV.

I had to run get his rodeo coat as he was feeling chilly, must be the short hair :)

We said our goodbyes to leave the cottage crew with the news, stopped to say goodbye to the fish and birds at the main building and use their facilities before hitting the road west at 6.

You have to watch Aislyn play I Spy

AJ dropped me off at 8 as the dark skies to the north had lightening but our place was just blustery. Once in town the roads were wet she said but nothing arrived here. S was watching baseball. I made Harley meal for tomorrow, found boxes for both the Etsy vases sales, packing and printed the mailing labels with the new printer. So far all 3 projects have worked. S was off to bed after his day. He and Harley went to the river then carried on to High River to grab 10 rails seeing town no longer carried our rail size. Nurse Brittany also gave him his shingles shot.

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