Tuesday, August 3, 2021

33 kinda heat

After feeding H and the kittens at 9 I took off Roo's blanket. It is yet another smoky hazy day ahead. The prince was up when I got back in to work on marketing with my iced coffee. I finished loading photos and videos for Sunday and shared it. S had to run in and load the panels and finish up rodeo stuff at 10 and took along my Etsy parcel to mail. It was 27 at 11 as I was folding laundry.

look at al the magpies taunting little Stella, if only I had a marksman :)

S returned at 12 as I was soaking horse feed bringing us Opa for lunch. We ate it over news then S was on the couch for a nap while I was back at marketing. I took a break to go water my garden and flower pots and pick peas as it is now 32 out and everything is shriveling up. Once up from his nap before 2 S started watering trees. 

Back to accounting for me before we headed to the city at 4 with the temp climbing to 33. Swinging by a registry office proved to be too long of a line for the prince to wait in so we continued to his doctors office arriving 45 minutes early for his 6 pm appointment. We went to DQ and had supper then I dropped him back at Dr Tim's office and headed to Market Mall. It was only 4 minutes away and just a fraction of people out. I am liking post covid shopping. I have not been in a mall for years other then the day I met Lori a few weeks back. I managed to shop actually and got the 3 things I needed; Saje, sunscreen and Sephora.

I headed back to pick him up at 7:15 but he was not out till 15 minutes later. We headed east with a bit of a detour arriving back at 8:30 to a very hungry Harley. Britt had stopped out to feed horses and took her out for a walk but I forgot to ask her to feed her. I also trimmed S neck quick then in to update and do marketing while S caught the Olympics and tree watering.  I headed to bed to watch Blindspot shutting it off before Shaina arrived at 11:45 as she is coming to Oyen with us tomorrow.

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