Friday, August 13, 2021

Heat wave resumes

Sunny day after 6 when H wanted out, guess she is excited about the day. She wanted back in after 7 then to garage and looped around not long after but did not get back in till I went to give her breakfast and get tree watering and back flower bed underway. The horses were happy to be let out too again via quad in my housecoat. The heat wave is back.

I had a visit with Candace on the phone while getting my marketing done then moved water. The growth ruler had the markings stenciled on then stencils scrubbed. Mom called to say Dad had fallen at the hospital splitting his head on the sink requiring stitches, WTH. Frustration at nurses not helping to elevate swollen legs resulted. However the tough nut that he is he continued with his plans to go with Randy to the farmers market. And no thanks he did not need a wheel chair nor an arm to hold, he was plenty capable and headed off with his cowboy boots and hat.

looks like there has been a not so hostile takeover of Harley's garage bed

I decided to run to town to get lunch (Opa of course) and pick up a solid wood headboard quick. I stopped at the thrift store to drop some stuff and take a quick peek for a backup warm zippered sweater for Dad, no luck. Sadie got a quick hose off before I checked for wood at Rona. My 1" X 8" X 6' boards are $19.99!!!! Good grief this wood pricing is crazy. I grabbed my chicken wrap next headed north loading the awkward headboard and rails then had lunch with Cooper. He is sore too B says so decided not to take him home to avoid playing. 

I grabbed some hair clips at the dollar store then headed south picking up the mail on way home. It is now saying 33.5 on my car dash. Holy hot one with 2 more days ahead. Harley was relaxing in the A/C when I came in from unloading the headboard. Computer work was up next in the A/C. I wrote a tutorial for Kaylin's coffee table.

While I was working onthe computer I looked out to see this dust devil move across the dried lake. It was much bigger and started at far right. By the time I finally decided to take a photo, move Harley from the door and go out this is what I got. A smaller one followed which you can see in the distance.

Harley requested her supper heading out into the hot garage. I was full from my Opa and had a frosty kombucha while typing so supper was not on my mind. I got more computer work done and continued my search for someone to fix Harley's lameness issue.

Britt and Cooper arrived before 7:30. She mixed the feed and fed her 2 but again Pepper was not a fan. B thinks it is the pill. He ate grass around the trees as I picked weeds then B jumped on him bareback and led the herd back to the paddock for the night. 

There has been a huge amount of dragonflies around for the last few weeks is crazy, I love seeing them all. Check out these videos.

so many

B headed home. I got the watering going again on flower beds, hand watering garden and front flower bed along with the roses in the island. The night was soooooo nice yet again, 27 no wind and yet another great sunset. 

Harley got a brush and her ears cleaned and fed the cats soft food before we closed up the garage doors for the night. I made a smoothie for my late supper and caught up the blog yet again with my iPad and Blindspot.

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