Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Antique dresser finished

I tried a new Starbucks caramel macchiato iced coffee beverage today after giving H her breakfast. Two thumbs up! 

It is a cool overcast blustery day today perfect for working on the dresser inside. But first I took the quad to the winter pasture gates and let horses out. The front edge was painted 2 coats with all pieces clear and dark waxed. 

The little shelf was put back on and the mirror cleaned however the back braces all broke as brittle when I washed them. New plan coming up. The new pulls I ordered were far to shiny so I tried my gilding waxes with no luck so washed them and went with plan B spray paint. This worked perfect and once dry I put them on; perfect. The drawer runners were waxed and all is ready to assemble.

Before stopping for a late lunch I tried to wipe off the skunk smell my roommate has on her head. I also applied baking soda but not sure either worked.

glass glazier points for plan b

After my bologna sandwich I chopped the organic cherries up and added them to the kombucha bottles along with fresh ginger and lemon peel. The blog was caught up before an conference call with the Oyen home care at 3. After our call it was decided Dad will go to Good Samaritan with hopes of being on the list for Strathmore or back to Oyen extended care. I finished my kombucha bottle filling and making.

I hauled in the dresser and top and screwed together and snapped some photos before staging. The sun popped out mid afternoon and warmed up to 20. Next up was writing a Hometalk post for the navy floral desk. 

For supper I cooked the last Hello Fresh meal; teriyaki chicken which was really good. Then back to staging the dresser. 

Out in the garage I cleaned brushes and put away things. It was gorgeous out at 20, no wind and the golden hour shining brightly. H and I walked to the gate to close it seeing the mares were in the shelter. Pepper was grazing in the field. I pushed and coaxed him to the gate eventually requiring my apron to lead him in and closed it up. Britt and Coop were just pulling in as we (including all the cats) were walking back.

She got the food ready and just after I got back I looked back to see a fox crossing the road where we were. Luckily the kittens were back and J was almost home, sneaky bugger. I watered the garden while she fed then we adjusted H's neck. B prepped food for tomorrow that I will be feeding as she is away. She and Coop were off after 8:30, H and I came in to catch up the blog with my iPad on the side.

Sadly it is getting dark now around 9, where is summer going? I finished season 2 of Blindspot and started 3 moving to bed to watch some episodes.

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