Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Dad moves to Good Samaritan

Cooper was up at 6 am ready to go out but I convinced him to look out the big window till 6:30 when I let them both out. This turned into barking so they were sequestered to the garage until I got up to feed an early breakfast and let them back out. Amanda was planning to be here at 9 but there is a bit of a delay on the Oyen front so will move till 10. This gave me time to grab an iced coffee and prep a plan for a photo board. But first I went and released the cats from barn jail. The air is so fresh clean and clear with a lovely refreshing temperature. I dont want fall to arrive yet but mid 20's would fine ;) Today apparently is the coolest day since mid May.

There was a delay in Mom leaving Oyen as had to run Tim to Cereal then have Dad's 7 stitches removed. I packed up paint, wax and tools to work on the board later. This is a vintage mirror frame and plywood that fit almost perfect. The board and frame were washed and sanded earlier and ready to go.

Amanda arrived after 10, I put dogs inside for B to pick up and we were on our way. The day was cool and overcast and actually got cooler as we got closer to the Hat at 15. We met Mom and Dad at a restaurant just before 1. Thanks for lunch guys. Then we were off to check in Dad to the Good Samaritan. While Mom and Dad did the check in Amanda and I started to unpack and set up his room. Organizing the bed and TV placement was our main focus. After getting most organized and Dad off to meet his table mates for his first supper, we took a break heading to Ma & Pa K’s. 

We both pulled in at the exact same time and enjoyed a cold drink, hot home made soup with fresh bread and a bounty of other yummy snacks THANKS so much. I started dark waxing the wood and hated it and in rookie style did not test on back side first. Now I had to flip to the “rough” side. I painted the frame a navy in two coats and left to dry. Mom AJ and I went back at 7 to visit Dad and found he was tuckered right out from such a long day. Once we got him in his comfy PJs and comfy in bed for the night we left at 8 and back to our fabulous bed and breakfast.

I put the frame together brad nailing and hammering smooth. Pictures were my next part getting one of Dale’s emailed too. I also did a bit of computer stuff for Ma K hopefully making her email getting easier. We rounded out our night with some tea and pie; well mom had some pie, cake and ice cream then off to bed. Of course I had to watch some Blindspot before shut eye.

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