Saturday, August 28, 2021

Spectacular summer weather!!

Beauty day up after 7, H waited till now to go out so I actually was up not long after feeding her early and stripping the table tops. I had hauled them outside and was sanding them when Britt dropped Cooper off after 9. She is working at the track today. 

after scraping it was scrubbed with water to neutralize and remove softened finish

After sanding with 100 grit I took a break and dark waxed the tray. The feet were painted another color then all were clear coated. I tidied up the garage then gathered house trash to fill the garbage bag. 

I ran to town after putting dogs inside to grab shingles vaccine, a few groceries, a pumpkin tea and muffin then tossing trash at the dump on my way back home. I made a dill pickle salad kit up and had it and my pumpkin treats for lunch. Time to head out and sand the tops with 120 grit paper. I hauled them in and set up on tables. The tray and feet were given another clear coat.

The day was spectacular with just a few clouds a light breeze, loads of sun and 21. Time to take the dogs for a walk looping the east way then back for a cold lemonade in the shade.

This poor ball is played with daily but it seems finally she was able to chew thru the handle.

I came in to work on the blog and heard a horse snort. I went out to find the herd drinking from the puppy pool. H and I wrangled them back to the paddock; I had left the yard gate open for Britt. This led to seed collecting, leaf cutting, spent plant chopping and more yard work in the sunshine.

In the garage I started work on the large coffee table. The top is in need of work so I scrubbed it, sanded and wiped again but need to source a new pull seeing one is missing first. The lower shelf on the current end tables was sanded and wiped too.

not sure if I want handles on the tray now? hmmm

Britt arrived back before 5. She was off to ride Bird while I continued computer work. She trimmed her her feet once back then hosed her and put plaster on. I caught Switch and trimmed her then let her graze for a bit then back in paddock. Britt was lunging Roo then bathed her.

I was back in to eat leftover supper and last of apple crisp. The fermented lemonade was bottled up. After B fed the horses, put Roo's blanket on to help her itch she came in and administered my shingles vaccine. Thanks little nurse B! She and I then went and trimmed Harley's nails on the low deck before she and Coop set off for home at 8. I jumped in the shower then back to computer work before crawling into bed to relax for my last Saturday in August.

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