Saturday, March 27, 2021

Project progress

My buddy H was not rustling around till 6:45 wanting out at 7. She rested in garage till 8:30 feeding time while I relaxed a bit longer and played some cookie jam. Today I added a tin of sardines for omega oils and she was down for that. I have yet to find a food she wont eat. She is happily accepting anyone's freezer clean outs too ;)

The sun popped out melting the snow that came down last night. Lexi's eye is worse so with K heading to work I called the vets. Thru a chain of texts/call a process of meds were set to be called into the city.

B and C were out before 11, she caught Bird and I met her at the barn to trim her feet. She also had the arena watering and once we were done she and I rode Switch and Roo. We were just untacking after 12:30 when Shaina popped out to say hi. We then trimmed Roo's feet and I did Switch's fronts. I headed in for some soup and B fed Bird. Shaina was on the couch with her headache trying to do computer work. It seemed I just missed a call from Calgary vets and after 15 minutes on hold found out they had FINALLY filled the prescription for Lexi. Devon had attempted to pick up earlier and they told him to come back at noon ;(

little riding video

B was then off to the city to pick up Cooper's raw food to start today. She left Cooper at his favorite place; the ranch! I gave them both bones to go work on while got to work on the vases adding more paint where needed and clear coating 2 that were dry. Then I moved on to black waxing the blue frame. I was installing the back when Shaina popped her head out ready to go for a walk. It is a warm sunny plus 13 out! The snow is all gone now. The kittens and 2 dogs were our pack till we got to the horses who joined in. K text to say they only prescribed a pain killer no antibiotics so the calls started again but when she went to the city vet they had not been sent anything.. WTH! more calls and to wait.. grrrrrr!

watch the view view of our pack

We were just back to the house when B arrived back after 3:30. She tossed her food in the freezer, loaded Cooper and headed home. I finished the frame and brought in to snap some pics. Plants were watered as Shaina made us a smoothie. I spent some time on the phone with the vet who is doing Lexi's surgery and who confirmed they dropped the ball. Indeed poor Lexi should have been fast tracked when calling in to book surgery not a month later when elective was being scheduled. So frustrating they blame admin but it is what it is. So now going forward we need to do what is best for Lexi. The antibiotic was to be sent to the city vet but low and behold after I hung up the script was not there. More phone calls and frustration. Eventually I got the script confirmed in the city vets hands now to be filled.

Once she finished up her computer work she was off to town at 6 to go to the gym and pick us up supper. H and I went and put the kitties away and fed them then back in to work on marketing. I took a break to grind up the fermented seeds for H and put in the freezer ready to serve.

B sent a picture of Cooper and his first raw meal that is ate in short order.

Just before 8 I called back to city vet to find the antibiotics are not yet filled ;( I took a quick loop out to clean up 3 poop piles H left today before Shaina gets home and drives over it LOL. She was back after 8 bringing us takeout from OJ's but it was highly disappointing. She did grab the mail and my new hardware order was there!! This means the dresser can be delivered tomorrow. We both were off to soak in our tubs then S made popcorn; her favorite snack. I was on hold with the Calgary vets for half an hour when she delivered my bowl after 11. I finally hung up only to have them call back and say it was finally ready.. 6 hours later. Kaylin ran over and picked it up and gave Lexi her first antibiotic dose, the pain killers have kicked in which is super.

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