Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Cooper day

My early bird was up and wanting out at 6:30 again, it has to be the light right? She did her business then was put in kennel for an hour while I tried to go back to sleep. No real luck so she was fed before 7:30 ready for Cooper to arrive. B was again a bit behind schedule dropped Cooper with my payment of chai tea and muffin before 8. Yummy breakfast B thanks!

no photos to share today so here are these mugs

The -3 morning had a bit of sun peeking thru but windy (hence the headache I have), soon the forecast storm rolled in making everything grey and miserable and dropped to -5. The dogs didn't mind their short romps outside and back to curl up in their kennels off and on while I worked on the computer. I am taking a raw diet course online. I also had a customer interested in the whitewashed dresser and one wanting a pressboard dresser sanded and painted. Both required much back and forth communication and additional measurements but fingers crossed it is worth it.

took a video of dresser with others for height reference as she thought low from the numbers

The sun peeked out after my lunch at 1. I went out to scoop Coop's poop and found the wind sooooo bitterly cold I left the cats inside for the day. The dogs however continued to go in and out. I put a 3rd clear coat on the white table and glued my broken paint brush. The clouds rolled back in, yuck.

Back at my desk I continued the online course while answering the one gals messages about doing the tall dresser like the nightstand. She had the pressboard dresser I talked her out of painting but hoped she might want the nightstand too. But a sale is a sale. The other gal says she for sure wants the whitewashed dresser but has to arrange pick up.

I whipped up a fresh salad with the veggies and fruits I had on hand and some goats cheese and all the residuals I put in the vitamix and blended up and put on Harley's supper. Fruits and veggies are best cooked or pulped for dog digestion; who knew. I did after my course. ;) I was cleaning up the dishes when Britt arrived before 6 to pick up her "son" from daycare. Seeing he had been in and out all day and just before she came she was able to grab and go.

A bit of computer catch up then a soak in the tub watching yet more raw diet videos. I changed the bed linens and crawled into the fresh comfy bed to watch some more Firefly Lane. Did I mention I love a hot bath and fresh linens? I rounded out my evening listening to some raw diet podcast B sent my way.

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