Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Pink ball MIA

Seems yesterdays all meat day had H wanting out at 5:40 am which was ok but she then thought she might be able to eat early too. I put her in the garage at 7 to wait out an hour to push her breakfast to 8 although the time change coming up may already be in place to keep at 7:30 current time. Breakfast was served at 8 am sharp. It was foggy from the first time I was up and still so. I made my caps and got the blog done for yesterday. I started washing up the horse winter blankets yesterday and continue the process today. I called the eye doctor to say these glasses are just not working and guess what, they sent the lenses I wanted back and now have to reorder lol so looks like a couple more weeks.

The sun finally came out before noon so we went and let cats out. Back to computer tasks and a late lunch of salad. Horse blankets hung out to dry and more washed. The table was distressed then clear coated. Seeing it was so sunny (but only plus 6) H and I set out to loop the perimeter for a walk looking for the missing pink ball. No luck even checking the barn, shop and mez; hopefully it shows up somewhere. It is a favorite.

I was eating leftover turkey scaloppini when B and Cooper arrived after 6. She took out Harley with them to feed horses and play ball. I noticed a vehicle at the gate that looked a bit like a cop or emergency vehicle. It sat there, B & I hosed off the dogs and she head out. She called back to say they wanted to talk to me. I changed out of my water soaked pants and drove down to be introduced to 2 Nutrien reps. It seems the lime that was applied last fall had been reported to have breached the 50 meter distance from water sources. They wanted to say sorry and offer a water sample as well as measure our hydrant from the field. They followed me back to the house and measured; sure enough our hydrant is 33 m to the fence and within the distance even if they kept 10 m from the fence line. They will get a water sample later this week and were off.

Inside I chatted to Sheldon about it and he will call tomorrow to get the details and more info. I put another clear coat on the little table. Working on the blog I watched a bit more of the Arrangement but it is a bit shallow so back to Firefly Lane. I headed to the comfort of my bed after 9 to continue watching.

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