Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Bold coyotes ;(

The dang coyote was in the yard howling again at 3:50 am. I woke S and he ran and grabbed gun to fire off a shot but by the time he got it out of the safe the coyote had silenced. Back to bed and awake after 7, Har was let out and put in kennel till 7:30 when S made coffee and I fed her in preparation for Cooper's arrival. B was late today dropping off before 8. I published the milk painted wicker tutorial I did last week.

S had a meeting online all morning so he bellied up to the island with his laptop and coffee. I headed to garage putting another clear coat on the nightstand top then to haul the tall dresser down and photograph a before shot, trouble shoot the loose skirting then scrub well and let dry. In between these I juggled dogs in and out and went out and let cats out. I looked out of the garage window and thought Cooper was in the south field so ran inside to front door to call him back only to find it was a coyote not far behind Cooper who was along the fence line. Harley was closer to the house but not sure either noticed him until I called for Cooper to come back then the coyote booked it east. That brazen coyote has got to go.

this set is well worn!!

Sheldon's meeting finished up just before noon. I made French toast delivering Shaina's to her mid client call but at least hot and fresh. I had him help me carry the nightstand in not because heavy but as to not ding the fresh paint.

We have a virtual meeting at 1; crazy how covid has made so many things done online now. After S crashed on the couch. It is sleepy Tuesday right? Our Hello Fresh was delivered, it has been awhile since I we treated ourselves to it. I did some computer work, scrubbed the muddy paw prints off the floor after getting dogs back in. The plus 6 temps make for muddy feet.

In the garage I sorted and organized frames as I have had one ordered for months now and yet to do it. I also cleaned up and rearranged and plan to sell some on Etsy that have original oil paintings. The frame chosen was taken apart, scrubbed and let dry. Time to go for a walk with the dogs collecting Sheldon from the shop who had woken and went to roll the partial bale out.

The sun did pop out this am for a bit then back to cloudy but it was still warm and a high of PLUS 10! The dogs had a good loop along with Miss Stella, the other two sat on the fence watching seeing we did the east loop. Back at the house we sat on the back deck with a cold drink while I brushed H and cleaned her ears out.

Hello Fresh supper tonight was Barramundi Fish Tacos which I prepped and had ready for serving at 6. Britt and Shaina both were at the island just before eager to eat. B gave them a 9.5 , S a 9 and Shaina only a 6 as slightly over our not raving about her pad Thai last night :) She was off to her video calls at 6:30, B put the cats away and she and Cooper were off soon after. S hit the tub for a soak while I caught up todays blog. Once he was out we started the newest and last season of Vikings. The coyote brought friends and caused a stir for a while tonight really upsetting Harley till Sheldon fired off a shot.

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