Friday, March 5, 2021

10 year squeak silenced finally

Coyotes again a couple times last night, too bad there wasn't a hunter to remove them :) H was awake again at 6:45 but came in and laid down till I let her out at 7 and fed her breakfast. I got busy catching up the blog and doing some marketing after turning on coffee pot. S enjoyed a couple cups in bed before starting a project that has taken almost 10 years; screwing the sub floor under carpet in an area in the bedroom that squeaks :). I wrote a tutorial for the pink jewelry box and got is posted etc.

We ran to town for S lab tests at noon. I then went and let Cooper out to pee, grab a scrub brush for Harley's dishes, deposit a US affiliate check at the bank and pick up Opa and a chai tea then back to pick up the prince. We scarfed down out lunch then stopped by the cat sanctuary who had too many comforters and offered Harley one (which ended up 4).

Our last in town stop was Paetz's to drop off Harry Potter # 2 movie for them to watch this w/e seeing Asher just finished the book and pick up cash and a monitor Shaina had delivered there. On the way home mail was grabbed and trash tossed. We were back home by 2. I finished vacuuming the main floor and in and under the dog kennels washing the bedding. A new comforter was added to one which Harley loved. S went out to try and clean up some of the hay mess at the pit but still too frozen even though today is another warm 10 but WINDY and overcast. He rolled some fresh hay and was back in to nap on the couch.

I had did a live opening of my milk paint parcel but it got wiped out of Instagram so did a quick story. I had a raw diet webinar at 3 in which I ended up the only attendant so it was a private one on one class. Harley was needing to burn off energy and distract her from wanting supper at 4:30 so S took her to play ball. I was doing some accounting when Britt text at 5 she was in surgery and probably for another couple hours could I go pick up Cooper? I grabbed the keys and headed out. Sheldon was fixing the outside light on the barn door that was dangling most likely from wind again.

this dog cracks me up

I ripped in, Cooper met me at the door for the second time today (amazing) let me clip on his leash and I had him loaded and headed back to the ranch in short order. I let him out half way down the lane hoping he would poop then come to the house seeing he had not this am for B nor when he went out at noon for me. Nope instead he raced behind me like I was leaving him biffing it in a puddle of slush around a corner but still charging on. At the house I grabbed the shovel to scoop his poop then around back to let H in to eat. S was getting more ice chipped away from the firepit area. She was thrilled to be finally eating then out with Cooper to play.

I scrubbed up her dish and a few other brushes and such in the sink then inside to start supper. Tonight is Hello Fresh chicken and cheese flautas. Shaina after finishing up her days calls kindly vacuumed the basement at my request. The dogs came in for a nap and dry in their newly bedded kennels. We sat down to eat after 6:30 and they were surprisingly very good. (again I left the peppers out of mine). Shaina washed the pans after, thanks Dude.

B arrived to pick up Cooper just after 7:30, a quick hello then off to have a steak supper passing up my offer. Shaina headed to town not long after to visit Gail and S went to the TV room to watch curling. I caught up todays blog then headed to flop in bed before 9 with my iPad. S was up after a bit and we watched another Vikings then he napped. Shaina was back home now and made popcorn delivering me a bowl at 11 to enjoy, thanks Dude.

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