Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Roo returns to the ranch

Another hot one out there folks. I took off the muzzles and Lola pill at 9. I think the muzzles are working. In order to beat the heat I wanted to ride early. S came along with me and reluctantly ponied KD however it turned out great. We had a nice leisurely stroll around the winery and thru the other side neighbors canola test plots. We were back, hosed and released and inside for a cold beer and some lunch at noon.

Britt and Cooper were out after 1 as I was watering my garden. S came out to fill fuel into the truck so he could off load the tank to use for small bales. We were off at 2:30 for her last riding lesson at 3. It was a hot dusty watch from the sidelines for me but B and Roo did well. Then it was the big moment after she was untacked and brushed: she got to load up and head back to the ranch at 4. Three months away at school and it was time to return. 

She is a new horse with her bleached brown hair, weight loss and months of schooling.

The other horses had mixed feelings it seems but she was excited to eat grass. S was working on loading small squares from the mez on to pallets, then down to load on the small trailer. I helped guide him for 2 pallet loads right on the trailer then he got another load to put along the sides.

B had taken off for groceries leaving Cooper. We went in for a break in the A/C and some marketing for me and big brown for S watching the Flames. Supper was a Sheldon special; smokies with KD on the side and a couple roasted veggies.

Later we headed out to the shop/barn. S loaded another load down and onto the trailer totalling 50 small squares then he and I strapped them safely down and her delivered the trailer to the lady down the road after 9. B was back out after 8. She rode Bird while we were in the shop then she and I trimmed Roo's feet. Muzzles went back on the girls. B's dryer broke so after loading up her dry clothes load along with Cooper she was off for home around 10. 

Once back inside, S had more hockey to watch and I updated the spreadsheet and answered messages all day for tack items. One gal wants stuff mailed to Red Deer. I hit the shower after S who was back to TV room for hockey then I caught a Grey's. Lola spent the night on the deck as her leg is getting sorer it seems. I also added video I forgot on S's birthday post, go have a peek. Happy cake day to Candace P too!!

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