Saturday, August 22, 2020

Mitzy has gone missing officially

Mitzy was not to be found last night so I woke a few times worrying about her then could hear J on the deck around 6. I awoke to high winds and a headache, not a great start to the day. I guzzled a couple caps while do a quick marketing and getting the blog posted then put a final coat of clear on the drawer front and dresser top.

I was loading rails for our 11 am lesson at 10:30 when Britt and Cooper arrived. She went and caught the 2 horses then we tacked up and warmed up. Anna arrived at 11 and we had another good lesson in about 24 degrees with wind. No bugs at least. She was off and we untacked, fed herbs and released before 1.

Still no sign of Mitz. Britt took the quad after a bowl of soup to check along the trees with no luck. Our fingers are crossed she is out on an extended mouse hunt. It is now plus 25, that and the sadness of Mitz had B not wanting to ride Bird till later so she and Cooper went back to their condo. She dropped off my Etsy parcel on her way, THANK YOU!

I had cut new drawer runners but need to wait till the stain is dry to glue on. I moved on to scrubbing the sideboard. It was GROSS. I am assuming it was a smoking home ;(

It hit 27 out but the wind finally let up later in the afternoon. I went out to check buildings just in case Mitzy might be shut in one then back to the garage to glue and nail on the runners and wax the dresser runners too. The sideboard was dry so did a bit of sanding on the top and on the glued veneer areas.

Back inside I folded laundry I had thrown in and have garage laundry going too. I watched some Glow Up while doing this and doing a bit of computer work. Britt and Cooper arrived at 7:30. She caught and rode Bird while I chopped off spent perennials and pulled weeds. It was such a lovely night to be out. She fed Bird before putting her back on the far paddock. Before heading home she noticed J was vomiting allot and was concerned but thought I should bring him inside. She took Lexi home for a sleepover with Cooper just before 9. 

I put J in the garage, went out and got him food and fresh water and will check on him a few times. My garage laundry was heating it up but Lola's fan was still plugged in to give a cool breeze. It was now almost 10 and I realized I forgot supper so whipped up a smoothie and was off to bed to watch Netflix after checking J a couple times.

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