Sunday, November 3, 2019

Time falls back an hour

I was awake of course many times in the night but wide awake at 7 am new time (we lost an hour overnight). I got up and did marketing and made coffee for the prince but he was having a sleep in Sunday. He did not come out till just before 11 new time! The morning was still dreary and rain even started again mid morning.

We started a fire while S read the Sun and I searched for hotels for our trip.

B and Cooper arrived around 12:30 for a brief play for Cooper. B put tires up in the mez and chilled for a bit then they were back to town around 2. We were going to trim 2 more horses but that is not happening as my back feels worse today.

S made us scrambled eggs, beans and toast for lunch then he headed out to push poop. He did try and get another load at Stout’s but no luck as their 2 wheel drive tractor just spun in the wet grass. He was back to catch football in the TV room before 3. He packed up this snack tray for his sports viewing. Just a little snack before supper.

I worked on the blog and tutorials in front of the fire with frequent walks and dancing to stretch my back. That is when it hurts less which seems weird right? S was up for supper then back to the sports room. I eventually moved to the bed to catch a few Handmaids Tale. I am not liking the darker earlier time change ;(

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