Sunday, November 24, 2019

Daisy's itch has her rubbing hair right off!!

Cooper was whimpering at 7 so I went and got him, took him for water, got his bed blanket and moved him in with us. I fell back asleep until 9 when a rain storm rolled in with thunder and everything but the rain was ice pellets, it was crazy!  I got up and worked on blog posts with my first cappuccino since back, yum. Prince charming slept till 10:30 then made his own pot of coffee. After a few coffees and toast he headed out to finish light work on front deck.

who are these characters? can you tell?

sleepy fellows

ice pellet rain

I kept working on photos and vacation blog writing. Daisy was super itchy yesterday; I messaged Britt she was rubbing on every shelter wall and rail but when I looked out after lunch today I saw her really rubbing the shelter center pole making it actually move. I also could see what looked like bloody patches so scooted out to check and give them their meds.

right side was even worse

B and Cooper arrived as I was taking photos of poor Daisy who had rubbed all her hair off in patches right to the skin and even further in spots. She and I bathed her in betadine in front of the garage, thank goodness for hot water in the garage. Daisy did fabulous in the plus 3 with a biting wind weather. Then it was off to the barn to have water scraped off and a blanket put on. B took her temperature and gave her IV Banamine while I put new shavings and hay in the stall. B got a bucket of water for her too.

Back inside I prepped for Stouts coming over finishing the chili I started and S put canned stuff in after he came in from lights to watch more football. Stouts arrived after 4 to partake in Grey Cup watching and visiting. B caught Roo and took her to work with in arena then trimmed her feet after Dave arrived at 5 to be there to help if needed but she did it all alone.

Once they came in we all ate the chili with toast. Eventually the fellows went down to TV room to watch and us girls visited. Dave and B left at 9 after checking on Daisy, removing her blanket then got Cooper and were off. Boys were back up and visiting until Stouts headed home at 10. I went out and rubbed the lice powder into Daisy's mane, tail and along her back, cleaned up poop and left her for the night. Inside I watched a Shameless episode before lights out.

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