Friday, November 29, 2019

BRRRRR, it's cold out

-19 this morning!! YUCK, I was headed out to give Daisy her meds and usual fluff and fill just after 8. I did not take her outside this morning but did give her a few laps in the arena. She was very upset I would not let her roll.

Back in the house it was time to roust S to make his coffee and me to get on posting the black bed frame for black Friday. I also worked on trying to catch up with more blog posts. Before lunch S attempted to install the new dog car seat cover I bought for the merc but it seems it is not built for it. Too late to return when it was ordered in August ;(

I made us some chicken noodle soup for lunch then we loaded up Lola and headed off to town after lunch. A quick stop to drop off my Etsy parcel and pickup Lola's dog food then S dropped me at Walmart to grab a few things while he and Lola ran thru Tim's drive thru to get us a tea then pick me up and off to her chiropractor appointment at 1:30. S waited in waiting room drinking his tea and soon we were done and on the road back to town to stop and let Cooper out and show Lola his backyard. I think he was really surprised she came to his house for a quick visit.

Before heading to the ranch there was another stop to get a deer tag and hunting license renewal for tomorrows hunt and then pick up a prescription. Back at the ranch I quickly put away  perishables and mixed the antihistamine and drew the dex up and took to Daisy along with a bucket of water. S unhooked the trailer and prepped for his hunting day before having a nap. I worked on the usual accounting and marketing for the rest of the afternoon. I also sketched and found wood for a possible sign order to go along with a growth ruler order. So much work to do next week!

For supper we cooked a scrumptious indoor barbeque. I mixed up roasted veggies while S tried his hand at cooking his spice rubbed steak in the cast iron pan. It was all very good.

He watched hockey while I plodded away at the blog posts as well as a bit of online shopping and trying to compile a gift list.  B and Cooper popped out before 8 to change Daisy's bandage and do med dispensary while I completed stripped her stall and added fresh shavings. Teamwork, thanks B!! She checked the outside horses and came in for a short visit while Cooper got a bit of a play then they were off for home before 9. I made a smoothie for the prince and I to soothe the sore throats and headed to bed to relax.

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