Wednesday, November 6, 2019

First bale rolled out of the season

I awoke after 7 to a pretty sunrise going on and bright snow & hoar frost everywhere. I finished the last half hour of Handmaids Tale before getting on with my day.

Today had 3 cappuccinos getting me going as I did some laundry - I checked our drain trap too then wrote more tutorials up.


It was -16 with a wind chill but looked lovely. I donned my gear and went out before 11 to plug in the skid steer for Matt to pop by later today and roll a bale for me (or at least I thought that was the plan) I also fed the poor starving cats.

look how well I backed the ranger in last time I had it out ;)

 The covering of snow made for slim pickings so I backed in the ranger to the barn where I had a really light grass bale in the feed room. I carefully lifted it in the ranger then drove out to the paddock and dumped out for the horses. I love the ranger!!

I set the charger out to charge

Back inside it was back to laundry folding while watching the news and cooking up my lunch. Then it was time to get a small project on the go. I chose a jewelry box to paint a pretty green, malachite. Two coats went on and then wet distressed again between folding laundry.

I was trying out my new gorilla glue on the jewelry box drawer knob and the bendy candlestick repair when Matt stopped to put the forks on the skid steer at 4:30. He parked it at the house to warm up then was off. It seems one should never ASSUME :)

I found a use for the FLEXIBLE glue S bought by mistake

I bundled up and was off to roll a bale for the horses. The first part was not as pretty as the last half but I got it done and back to the shop to put the skid steer away in half an hour! Yeah me.

Another cappuccino and a bowl of soup then it was back to writing the tutorials so all are ready just to publish over the next few weeks. Shaina text at 6:30 they safely arrived in Brisbane!!! Enjoy the summer down under my sweet. I watched the movie A Star is Born while typing then moved to soak in a hot tub.

Britt text needing a wrench to tighten her loose tire but managed to contact Amber to run her over one. She then popped out to the shop quickly to tighten even more with a proper tire wrench. This girl is gaining so many adult life lessons this year ;) I whipped up my protein smoothie and heated up a bean bag and the massage unit and caught up on 4 Grey's Anatomy episodes before lights out at midnight.

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