Monday, November 11, 2019

Rememberance Day

Brrr cold - 20 it did get to and not much warmer on waking but the day did get to -10 (plus 6 in Calgary) Today is Remembrance day. I worked on marketing while waiting to do our plane check-in at 10 am. Got exit seats like S likes ;) The black geometric coffee table tutorial went live. Then I headed out to paint another coat of black on the bed frame.

Leftover lunch then I was off to town around 1. Mom had sent Xmas gifts for Debby which I needed to pick up at Amanda's. My first stop was Walmart to grab some treats for Deb and pick up suet for Britt's blue jays in her back yard. A quick drive thru bank deposit and run into $ store then off to Britt's. She is home today as a work holiday and Dave just headed back early this morning after having his first weekend off in a very long time.

Next stop was Paetz's to get the envelope and have a wee visit. B text from the house at 3:30 she was at the ranch so I set off. Not long after she called saying Lola was hurt. I was home in short order and convinced her to walk with a limp to the garage. Indeed her back right hip area is sore causing a yelp if touched with lots of shaking and panting (signs of pain). Eventually we got her to lay down and try to relax. I called the on call vet who said if not vomiting or loss of appetite to watch her and let her rest. That was pretty hard seeing we leave in just over 12 hours.

Britt went to give horses their pills texting back that Roo was in a foul mood and actually gesturing to her with pinned ears and grumpy. We are suspecting perhaps she put the run on Lola or perhaps kicked her seeing she is in this mood. B came back upset so she and I went back out to see what might be up. The full moon rising may have part of her ire but she seemed ok when we got there which lessened B's worry a bit. She is however arranging for some training work with her.

She and Cooper were off after 6. I cooked up some zucchini and lefts overs taking Lola a wee bit of salmon in her food dish. She was much less shaky and had been resting. I putzed around the garage washing my paint brush and covering the bed. S text reminding me to plug in skid steer so I went out to do that. When I got back she was sitting up and as I continued to putz she ate a bit of the food and the salmon of course.

Last minute items were packed like water bottles and chargers. Then a soak in the tub. After I got out around 8 I went to let Lola out for a pee. She was sitting up wagging her tail and hesitant on walking to the door then around the sidewalk but moved better as she went. I followed and after her pee break she continued on to her patrol route with no coaxing back to the garage. Guess she feels a bit better, we did give her a bit of pain med which must have helped. I tried many times to get her back in but no luck. Temps have warmed to -3 now. S was home a bit later then usual at 11:15 and off to bed. I finished the season of Wentworth and shut out the lights.

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