Saturday, August 31, 2019

Sale Day!!!

What a night of no sleep. I was falling asleep around midnight listening to Oprah on YouTube when I heard an odd scratching noise in the attic. I stealthily crept outside where the stars were so bright even seeing a shooting start but nothing was on the roof. Back inside I got a mop to tap on the ceiling when I found Shaina slinking around in the dark with her cell light LOL She crawled into bed and heard it too, the same sound she alerted Sheldon to last w/e to in the great room.

She and I chatted and laid awake for the longest time trying to record the sound, listened to a podcast then sleep music. Eventually she fell asleep but I watched the clock to after 6 o'clock ;( And of course awake at 8:30. Time to get marketing and making cappuccinos even serving the princess one in bed after her alarm went of a few times around 10.

I staged the vanity up for some photos when 3 items were confirmed sold to a great customer. The grey tables and laundry sign. Thanks Patricia and Codi!!

Shaina was off to work at the golf course for 11:30 and just after she left it got windy and blew in some sprinkles. Not much but for the next few hours it would sprinkle and quit. I put another coat of poly on the vanity top (now it is complete ) and dining table then got back to tagging and market prep. I was just finishing up when Britt dropped off Cooper at 3:30. She turned around and headed back into work as short staffed. Seems she has had a few late nights this week but that means $$.

Seeing I had quite a bit of stock I left the two interested in the bread box I would sell it before the markets. One hesitated the other sent the money in 5 minutes, yeah another sale!

And then the cash register sound went on my phone and it was an Etsy sale! The azure pepper grinder I had just tagged and packed up so neat had to be found and repacked to go to the UNITED KINGDOM!! And seeing I did not have a box I created one ;) This is the best sale day!

I was updating my spreadsheet and pages and chatting with the prince when Shaina and Jacob arrived at 5. It did not take long and they were ready to ride. It did look grey but we caught the horses and before we went I trimmed KD all around and Switch's fronts. We attached a new fluffy cinch for Daisy and we were off... as it started to rain. And it socked in and came down the entire conditioning ride. Once we were back and untacking it really unloaded!!

rain coming straight down, this coat was dark green in short order

all soaked and one steaming pony

We let them go and into the house to pop a pizza in. As it cooked the rain stopped. but it did start drizzling again after Shaina and Jacob headed to the city before 8 taking the bread box for pick up with them THANK YOU!!

I got busy with computer work with Britt arriving soon after at 8. She got laundry on the go after feeding Cooper. I checked the rain gauge, 2/10 ths and still drizzling, I made us a decaf cappuccino to enjoy as we finished our chores.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Procrastinated chores

Today I shall tag and price all my market pieces, this was my mantra to start the day. Before doing so though I had a cappuccino to get me motivated starting with dark waxing the table base. The mirror for the vanity was cleaned and when flipped saw a few missing marks so I tried a mirror effect spray paint. This stuff is so stinky so left it to dry for the day.

the finished stool

Inside another cappuccino and on with the tagging. Laundry was started too and went throughout the day with folding during my lunch break catching the news. Then it was back to tagging and pricing (which is the hardest part). Late afternoon I got the mirror put back together and hauled inside. Shaina is staying tonight so will get her help to haul in the rest of the pieces.

I wrote a tutorial for the wooden rocking horse to get posted for the w/e then back to laundry and furniture shuffling and pricing. Shaina arrived after 7, I cooked up our salmon supper catching up with her week. She helped me haul in the vanity and the dining table, thanks Dude XOXO

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Vanity complete.. I think

The usual start to the day but only 1 cappuccino then off to work on the vanity and table. The table was coated another coat of cheesecake on the base. The drawer fronts and stool had light cream paint applied and when dry sanded and distressed and clear waxed. The vanity itself was dark waxed.

While things were drying I wrote a tutorial for my staging wall with a bacon tomato sandwich and another cappuccino for lunch. Back to the garage where the mirror, drawer fronts and stool were dark waxed. The hardware was scrubbed and put back on with drawers inside getting some more scraping and sanding.

I moved the vanity down to ground level and both it and the table had a coat of clear poly sponged on. Two hours later another coat went on. It is sunny out  and 21 but WINDY when I gave Pepper his pill and picked apples for them all.

A gal stopped to get some school locker shelves I had posted. More KonMari purging to come. Back in the garage the Matt popped over to borrow the skid steer bringing back in the evening.

I spiralized up a few zucchinis and even a sweet potato to have on hand as well as cook some for supper adding the left over tomato from lunch. While catching the 5 pm news I upholstered the vanity seat then cooked the veggies and ate.

A third coat of poly went on the table and vanity top before I clear waxed the table base. It is pitch dark by 9 now, how sad is that?

I started another online marketing course and only made the tail end of the live meeting yesterday morning so tonight I watched it all and got my exercises started.

With no more Netflix shows on the go I did watch some painting YouTube videos before shutting the lights of BEFORE 11!

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Paint project progress

Mornings are pretty predictable here, if S is home it is coffee in bed if he is away it is cappuccinos on the computer marketing. I caught the last 5 minutes of a marketing course I signed up for. Today was marketing with a surprise amazon delivery at 10 am while still in pj’s ;)  Now Pepper and Daisy should not get cinch sores.

Seeing I dressed in 30 seconds I was ready to head out and get busy. The dining table had a darker stain added to the edges and bit in the center and the vanity top got a coat too. Now on to the vanity base. The clamps were removed and a small piece glued on. The second coat of buttermilk went on all the pieces.

A quick stop for a bite for lunch then back and a light cream color added. This layer found the stool chipping allot. And when sanding the drawer fronts, they too chipped more then I wanted.

top is 2 coats buttermilk and bottom the light cream layered over

 All pieces were sanded smooth and distressed then a coat of clear wax rubbed on. However when I got back to the drawer fronts I decided to wash them right off and start again as touch ups chipped more as did the stool. The stool I took outside and sanded smooth.

 back to start for the drawer fronts

It was a nice day again, not really hot for harvest August but I will take it. I took Pepper his pill then filled the shelter mineral/salt tubs while out there and checked my zucchini harvest.

The buttermilk was applied again this time with bonding agent. I also hauled out one of our house stools to tighten which turned into a big ordeal requiring a wood button to be drilled out and paint (no original) touchups.

After my soup supper break I was back out to apply the second butter milk coat on the drawer fronts and stool then got at the dining table base. It was painted a warm white.

I rounded up my day by finishing season 3 of Animal Kingdom, now I have to wait for season 4. Kaylin and Kyle streamed the US series on one of the online programs and say it was goooood.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

More vanity work and a sweet farnhouse riser complete

I saw the sunrise at 6:45, always a pretty sight. I perused Instagram and watched YouTube videos seeing I have not been on there for ages. I prepped a cappuccino at 7:30 and a pot of coffee for Shaina and Jacob with her 8:30 wakeup call.

the veneer repair

They had some raisin toast, a coffee and were out the door just after 9 for her morning of training and Jacob heading back to the city. I was finishing up marketing with another cappuccino I put chicken bones on to simmer then headed to the garage to get busy. All 3 stained pieces were sanded lightly then the vanity and table got a second coat.

this is ONE coat of the same color stain on 3 different wood varieties

The vanity stool seat top was next prying out a pile of wee nails to get to the actual wood base. Before coming in to finish the soup at noon I took all the paint off the top shelf, wiped all, added new paper and rearranged it all back nicely.

looks like it was Mrs Hemmings from Killam
layers and nails later

I was finishing up the soup when Shaina got back after 12:30. It was yummy of course. Britt got called in to surgery in the night so had a headache and wanted to sleep rather then go to riding lessons in Okotoks. Seeing I had this change of plans and no longer leaving at 3, Shaina coached me in a workout. Man she is good at what she does. She finds every muscle you don't use and makes it work.. with perfect posture.

She was then all loaded up with her eggs and veggies and off to her afternoon of new customer and boot camps at 3:30. I ventured back to the garage to wax the cutting board and screw on the base. Staging was hard for this piece but I did get a few photos.

News and a bologna sandwich then I stepped outside. It was BEAUTIFUL at 24, no wind and so lovely. I picked zucchini and watered the garden and pots while enjoying such a lovely day. When I came back in it was to the garage to do more repairs on the vanity, UGH then put on the first coat of buttermilk milk paint.

Shutting it down at 9:30 I came in to quickly update the blog, have a shower and kick back with some Animal Kingdom in freshly changed linens… oh how I love that feeling!!

Monday, August 26, 2019

August nearly over

There was another 1/10th of rain overnight. Prince is off north later today so it was a relaxing morning before he left starting with his favorite coffee in bed. This was followed up with cross word time in big brown with more coffee ;) He did however run the spent flowers to the pit later in the morning while taking the horses his watermelon rinds.

After marketing I hauled the new palm out to spray down as Shaina spotted spider mites like her had. I left it out there to blow in the wind while I got busy on the vanity wiping the oil spots with mineral spirits then scrubbing the base, mirror and stool well and left to dry. The plant was hauled back in after the wind blew it over! I found the fan coil still leaking a bit so S gave it a tighten and hope it is finally fixed.

this is why I scrub all pieces well. look at the color of the bubbles

Jacob arrived before 1 bringing the still in her room Shaina a hot mickey d's coffee. He visited with us till S headed off before 2 and Shaina was ready to ride. The 3 of us went out for a nice ride finished, hosed off and released before crappy weather rolled thru. They were off to town as it was now before 4 to work out and S to do her boot camp later.

A bit of rain sprinkled as I was outside sanding the cutting board but only a few drops. I hand sanded the table top and vanity top then got busy giving all 3 a coat of antique walnut stain. I was back in for chili and catch the end of the 6 o'clock news. Timer to write a blog tutorial for the ornate end table.

 all 3 are same stain color

Shaina and Jacob were back after 9 having toured the town after boot camp and training. They made up a salad and watched more of the Harry Potter series. I think they are finishing the last one #7!! I watched a few more Animal Kingdom.