Thursday, June 13, 2019

Maiden trail ride of the year

I was up before 8 answering emails and waiting for the coffee butler :) He was up not long after getting us hot coffee to start the day. I was then off to write and get a blog post up as well as one on my Facebook page and one scheduled for Instagram, as the last week has had me MIA on all social media.

I unloaded my plants so S could run to town to get a new spare tire and fill the truck with fuel for our mountain ride this afternoon with Shaina and Jacob. I fed all the horses and was catching them when he returned. I trimmed KD quick too. S loaded tack up and spread more shavings in the trailer while I packed up hay (which we ended up not using; ( and whipped us up smoothies for lunch with a side of cold water. I had the horses all loaded and we were out the gate by 11:30. We met Shaina and Jacob in the Bragg Creek parking lot at 1. They jumped in and we were off to the mountains.

getting exercise 

The parking lot had a huge makeover. We missed the new equestrian parking lot but once tacked up and heading out a fellow stopped to let us know about it. We had an enjoyable hour and a half plus ride. The day was gorgeous and warm saying 24 there.

Back at the parking lot, S moved the truck to the horse parking and we met him there. Grabbing buckets we hiked the horses back to the creek where Shaina gave them a cold bucket dump cool down. Snack time for all including the horses back at the truck. Shaina and Jacob were in charge of snacks and did a great job with yummy healthy choices and a couple cold light beers.

 wild brumbies

yum, bark LOL

We packed up around 4:30 dropping them back at the jeep and continuing home. Britt text there was a storm headed to Strathmore which we seemed to chase all the way home. When we arrived at the ranch just before 6 to find indeed rain had hit. A little over 3/10ths in what looked like short order. We let out the ponies and headed inside.

S was excited to watch the Raptors game so after eating his bowl of soup he was off to the TV room. I went out ( the evening was beautiful out now the storm had passed) gave Bird her gastro, Pepper some pain killers for his stiffness and moved him in with Bird. I moved Switch and Daisy to far diet pen then filled all shelters with salt/minerals. Roo has the craziest reaction to a new tub of them.

Back inside I caught up on marketing. The Raptors won the NBA title first time ever, seems to be quite a sports week too. And I learned that basketball was invented in Canada.. who knew??

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