Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Horses get chiropractic and acupuncture

The usual coffee/creamer start to the day in bed while perusing the net. I was then up to do some marketing. The lady interested in the planked table sent payment so it was marked sold. I hauled it up thinking I could take it along to Airdrie today as Britt would like me to drive Bird over for chiropractor and acupuncture later today.

S and I headed outside into the sunny day, he to mow and me to water. I whipped us up a smoothie for lunch delivering his to him to enjoy while mowing. Britt organized an appointment for both Switch and Bird at 3 so S took a break from mowing to fill 3/4 of the water totes, unhook the dump trailer and hook to the horse trailer then he was back to mowing. Thanks

I caught the horses, took of blankets, gave the gastro to Bird, then loaded them up. I had Costco returns loaded up too and was off just after 2. On route I heard a thump noise like a piece of wood bounced underneath but saw nothing in the mirrors so kept on trucking. Close to Moore’s I had a highway dude gesture to my passenger side and in the mirror I saw tire outside where it should not. I continued cautiously to Moores to find indeed a shredded tire.

B met me and we unloaded the horses and took them in.

The horses reacted differently to the appointment; Bird liked both parts, Switch was OK with the chiro but was not a huge fan of the needles but in the end she stood for her 20 minutes with some crazy muscles bends.

Not long after Dave and his friend Logan arrived and changed my tire!! THANK YOU!! That was so awesome as I have only ever had 1 flat tire in my life and Grandma W was with me and she had us changed in short order.


We put them in the outdoor stalls so I could take Britt’s car to Costco. I did returns and purchases including 7 plants in over an hour and back to load up the horses after transferring my goodies. I was off for home just after 6 arriving home an hour later with all tires intact.

The day was a warm 27 degrees but made for a lovely evening. S had water running on the island and grass from the rain catchers in hopes of the forecast rain. He, Matt and Theo were watching the last Stanley cup game that started at 6. He did meet me during intermission to take the fridge items. I moved the grass water after letting the mares out on my way to get the 4cyte. I mixed up 4 tubs of food and headed off to feed them. Next it was feeding the black and white girls then putting stuff away and unloading the rest of the Costco items. By now it was 8 and I was starved and thirsty. Good thing I had soup in the fridge and cold 67’s. I caught up on a bit of marketing and zoomed the quad to the gate to pick up a paint parcel that was delivered.

The game ended around 9 with St Louis Blues winning. Theo and Matt headed home while S caught some highlights. Today he also sprayed the ash tree infested with caterpillars, repaired the hot wire Pepper pulled out when jumping the rail, adjusted the timer on the the bottle tree and worked on the A/C issue by disconnecting the heat supply. Busy day for all!

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