Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Dogs get chiropractor

I woke just after 5 but managed to go back to sleep. Enjoying coffee in bed on a Tuesday, Shaina grabbed a cup and hard boiled egg and was off to morning class. There was only one participant but this gal signed up for 10 private training sessions!!

She was back after 10 again working on programs. She updated Sheldon and mine too and promises more calories in the near future ;) S and I went out to brush and bath Lola as she has a vet appointment this afternoon for her sore leg and is covered in green horse crap and mud. She was then banished to the garage for the rest of the day poor girl.

Next he and I moved all the furniture and my custom bed frame from under the lift and let the truck down. Shaina held Lola while we got it pushed out of the garage to save her having to breathe those exhaust fumes and he got it all ready to go golfing. I put a clear coat of poly on the table top.

We had lunch before he had a quick nap then was off to wash the truck and pick up his golf buddy after 1. They golf at 4 in the city. Britt and Cooper arrived at 1, she fed Roo her probiotic and Bird her gastro before getting her mountains of laundry going. Shaina started my pedicure I called in from a coupon she gave me a few years back. She was using a fancy new Clarisonic tool but it ran out of charge before she could get done but the stuff she did felt great.

I threw on another poly coat before Britt and I loaded Lola and Cooper up in her car and were off to the vets. Shaina stayed working on her stuff leaving for her 4 o clock training. The dogs did well at their chiropractic adjustment. Lola has a bump Britt had found on her front left leg earlier that the vet suggests we xray and Cooper has possible elbow dysplasia that could be confirmed with xrays too. For today we just did the treatment. We were done and home by 4:30.

Now to ride the ponies. B and I went for a nice walk thru the winery with Lola of course guarding us. Cooper who was put in the house was outside when we got back having had the deck door suck open most likely as not latched and front door vacuumed. Good to know he just hung out waiting for us to return.

Seeing she was clean, Lola got to take a quick tour of the house before they were off to patrol

We hosed the horses, fed them, put on fly sheets and put them in the round pen for a bit while B fed the ginger pen and I made us salads for supper. She folded her laundry and loaded up Cooper and was off for home after 7:30. I went back out in the absolutely gorgeous evening still sunshine to water garden, pots and peonies. I was still a bit peckish so spiralized up some zoodles and had them with a cold beer. Sheldon got home from the golf day at 11:30 and crazy it was still light out; summer solstice is soon!

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