Friday, June 28, 2019

Friday afternoon party goers

My wakeup call today was at 7:45 am with Lexi puking on the carpet by our door, yuck. For the next half hour I tried scrubbing with different concoctions and finally hauling out my steamer. Hopefully it does not stain bile yellow ;(

On the plus side I got to marketing early and found I had an Etsy sale for the navy silver ware chest. Coffee went off after 8:30 which motivated the packaging up process. I also did a live unboxing of my paint parcel delivered yesterday.

S was on slow start but once coffee injected he was off to do a few last minute things on the truck at 10 before running to town for bolts and a few other errands at 11. I was on kitchen cleaning duty before heading to the garage to get working on the chair. I was just starting the glazing after distress sanding when Candace, Grama and Papa pulled in at 11:45. They visited and enjoyed their hutterite treats they bought along the way while waiting for Sheldon to get back from town and change to go.

This is Kaylin at 9 months wearing an outfit Candace got from China from Sheldon's Godmother, the party they are attending

They were all off in 2 cars to S's godmother's 80th birthday party in Calgary at 12:30. I got back to my glazing so it has time to dry before delivery tomorrow. Lola has her 3rd chiro at 2pm today and before loading her up I ran and gave Bird her gastro and took off her blanket in this warm 22 sunshine.

Lola was nervous at her appointment without her buddy Cooper but did well. We made a stop at Amanda's on our way home for a quick visit and to score some gorgeous peony blooms. THANK YOU!! The kids were enjoying a water toy Kaylin had dropped off for Ada's birthday.

Back home I finally grabbed a tuna sandwich for lunch and a cold beer. A customer arrived soon after to drop off a chair she is wanting custom painted along with some pieces she does not want. Once we picked her chair color she was off.

I staged a couple pictures of the antique pot chair. I sure wish I had a flowering pot to put in it but she says she will send one once she gets it set up. I then came in and wrote the long detailed tutorial for the blue dark stained dresser and got it sent to all sponsors and posted.

I was still working on it when Sheldon, Ma and Pa returned at 5:30 from their afternoon party. Not long after the fellows changed their clothes and went to finish the truck then took it for a spin. Grama perused the internet sitting in the sunshine. I ran out and gave the horses their supplements and did a bit of plant bug care.

Once finished with his truck repairs, the fellows came in to join us for bean dip I made and snacks. This progressed to a campfire with hotdogs to round out the evening events. I did pop back in a bit earlier to get the marketing caught up then enjoyed starting the new season of Instant Hotel on Netflix.

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