Sunday, April 7, 2019

More trees trimmed

Cooper was ready to head out at 8 so I let him and Lola out to go partrol and whipped up a cappuccino. Time to work on some blog posts. S was up to make coffee later on then relaxed in bed.

I put another coat of white on the tables and distressed them while S harrowed in the pastures some more.
I got a bit more height off and this apple tree is ready for the season

Nicer day at similar 16 with less wind. We cooked up steak for late lunch. Prince had a nap while I went out and trimmed a few more trees. Once up he and I added top soil to the front planter, then he to the top up the water line trail he put in last fall. I added the last to the garden boxes.

this is why he is the prince and I am the pauper ;)

He was then inside to get ready to head to his man date in town after 4:30. I went back outside to scoop poop in the paddock Slim was in and trim a few more trees. The egg lady dropped off 5 dozen, great service. I put the sprinkler on in the arena to ride when B arrived.

I put a final coat of white paint on the tables. Britt arrived before 6 and as we caught the horses a few drops of rain came down and was gone. While we were grooming there was a wee spook with Switch ended up scraping her leg. B sprayed some meds on after we rode for an hour. B loaded up Cooper and was off for home after 7:30.

S brought me and he home a burger when he got back at 9, then we tried to watch Justice League but soon he was sound asleep ;)

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