Sunday, April 14, 2019

cloudy windy 3 drops of rain kinda day

Cooper was awake at 2 am wagging his tail. I let him out at 2:22 and he was back in five minutes to eat his food and drink water before returning to bed. Then he was awake and ready to patrol at 7:45 am. I made a pot of coffee and did some marketing before I got dressed for the Etsy pick up. The husband arrived right at his planned 10 am and was soon on his way.

Now to head out to paint another coat of black on the dresser and all the stained pieces. However I am not pleased with the swirl marks showing in the top so did research for while. I did find a wee grain like particle between the pad and paper that may have caused this as well as perhaps a dusty pad. i cleaned the sander up well. More suggestions were different type of sand paper and more grits.

Seeing the weather was still windy and crappy I came in to write up blot posts. First was the coffee table which then had to be emailed to all the tagged products and shared on their FB pages. I also created a new FB cover photo.

I hemp oiled the old crate I scrubbed the other day and when soaked in brought it in for a few staging pics.

At 3:30 the winds picked up like crazy and a dark threatening cloud was headed our way. Soon the rain arrived and lasted about 3 minutes ;( before heading east. Then it got nice, so out I went to trim a few more apple trees I missed by the barn. Seeing the horses needed to go for chiro rechecks tomorrow I needed the horse trailer. The dump trailer was still hooked up so I got it situated, unhooked and hooked up to the horse trailer ready for tomorrow.

left over coffee for an iced coffee ;)

Back inside, I continued writing more paint blog posts till B arrived before 6. She gave the horses supplements and loaded Cooper up and headed home in less then an hour. Long day for her. I was back at writing blog posts after a quick bowl of chicken curry while watching more Sabrina episodes. I had posted a video view of the sofa table and a lady replied she was interested.. downside she lives in Chattanooga Tennessee!! LOL

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