Saturday, April 6, 2019

Family supper

Coffee started our day; Mom and S had a toad in the hole to give them energy to get them started. By 10:30 we all headed out in the crazy wind to start our projects. Mom had Slim caught so he and I went off to the barn to trim his feet. Mom got started on the apple trees and Sheldon was off to harrow.

 front left complete

before and after

Jacob was the next to arrive to change the oil in his truck as I was taking Sim out. I then was off to help Mom tree trees. S ran the load of recyclables to town and grab beverages.

When done his truck, Jacob gave Lola a brush as her coat is starting to blow out. She was super stoked about this. He was then off to town to pick up Shaina from the gym. They were back not long later and threw in pizzas for a late lunch. S was back to get in on the pizza as was Britt and Cooper. Mom and I finally shut down the tree trimming at 3 with a pile of progress done, THANKS Mom!

Once fed and watered we all headed back out. Us girls rode in the arena Britt had watered and harrowed while the boys swapped out Britt's winter tires for summer. Once horses were untacked and brushed and the tires good to go we were all back in the house around 5, what a busy day. But wait, S and I loaded the antique cabinet in the horse trailer for Mom to tack back to Oyen for Jean to finally get since she purchased last fall, thanks Mom.

Sausage and macaroni was started. The Paetz crew joined us bringing buns and BBQ sauce and a great meal was enjoyed with lots of visiting and laughs. Thanks to Jacob for cleaning up supper and doing all the dishes! This deserved you taking the leftovers home ;) Mom loaded up Slim and she was off after 7:30 with Jacob and Shaina right behind her off to the city. B and the Paetz's were off an hour later.

After a quick catch up on marketing I het the tub to soak and watch Shameless while S hit the TV room for hockey. What a great Saturday here at the ranch!

Cooper stayed the night and was quite happy to be snuggled in bed with me watching Crave

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