Tuesday, April 30, 2019

B's bday supper

this was yesterday morning but is a common pattern... today with less snow ;)

I served coffee to the prince on his sleepy Tuesday. I was answering possible sales emails that in the end did not turn out. Shaina was off after 9 with coffee and a bowl of chili for later to do morning class.

A few wisps of snow blew thru as I packed up my rummage sale treasures and was off to town after 10. I picked up 3 wood chests from a follower who offered them to me then met Britt at the rummage sale. It was cool with the bitter wind so we only took a quick look thru the outside treasures and were off. I did find 2 baskets though.

She loaded Cooper in with me and she was off to get Shaina for their rad trip to Hanna to see Dr Dave. I went to Walmart for a few groceries then grabbed teas and the mail on my way to the ranch. S was just heading out to start his tractor to load bales then back in to enjoy his tea and the news

Coop liked his view from the higher back area

Snow rolled in at noon heavy with the blustery wind but snow let up by 1 but the wind stayed. The neighbor did come for bales after the snow let up. With the bales loaded the fellows came in for a visit then S hit big brown for a Tuesday nap. I went out to wax the teal chair and paint the disassembled one another new Jolie color

I came in around 3 for a refreshment and do some computer work serenaded by the Tuesday snores. After my refreshment I was back out painting the blue chair. B arrived back at 4 from dentist dropping Shaina back at gym for work.  We watched Ellen while I prepped roast supper. Dave arrived at 5 to join in on Britt's bday supper. She and he went out to dose horses with meds & supplements while it cooked.

We enjoyed the meal while catching a hockey game and once supper was done all were off to the TV room while I scrubbed up pots and pans then caught up on computer work. After the Bruins lost, the Airdrie-ites were off for home after 8. S went back down to watch the next game too. After marketing I hit the tub to soak for night #4 in a row is it ;)

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