Sunday, December 23, 2018

Home a day early

No sunshine today, maybe snow is on its way as they say. Cooper was up at 9 ready to help Lola do her rounds. B who got home after 1 last night headed back to bed after he ate and went out. Cappuccino and a soft cookie for breakfast, heh it is Christmas right!

B was up for a cappuccino and we visited for a bit before she set out to give cats their dewormer and Roo. The sun was peeking thru now around noon. My project for the day was to compile the Xmas card photo collage and last minute organizing.

I had B help me haul the big board I used for staging after snapping this pic of the black antique chair.

Britt and I had a late kale salad lunch at 2 then she and Cooper set off for home. I set up the beverage station and more cleaning and prepping.

I enjoyed a long soak in the tub watching Sabrina. Sheldon arrived home a day early just after 11 and was soon asleep loving his own bed.

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