Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Boxing Day

Boxing Day. The time has gone fast for sure. I made coffee and got a Boxing Day sale post done up. S and I loaded up and were off to the races ..literally at 12. Dave had booked a front row table for us to come watch his races. We swung by and picked up Britt and got ourselves seated by the start of the 3rd race.

We enjoyed appetizers and beverages in the warmth, poor Dave raced 10/11 races in the brisk -8! He did well winning 2 handily and placing in many others. All 3 of us won free tickets in the draws they had for the day but no winners in the end.

our view from our warm seats

S favorite betting machine 2 steps away

After the last race we stopped at the barn to see the horses and visit with some of the owners and helpers.

this is "Kenny"

Hungry again we were off in search of pho for S but after fining 2 of them closed we changed the plan and went to State and Main. He and B both got the HUGE noodle bowl while I opted for steak sandwhich.

We stopped for a visit at Britt’s when dropping her home. Dave had just gotten back from he barn so a visit with them both for an hour while the jr hockey game was playing. Off for home after 9 to just relax after a busy few days.

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