Monday, May 21, 2018

Victoria Day

It was a sleep in day for us all, I did not wake till after 8:30, yeah! Time to get to work on the blog with all my photos to get sorted

Prince ran to town on errands at noon with Britt not to far behind him. She returned first buying us the new spicy guacamole burgers for a late lunch, THANKS B!! XOXO

Watering plants and seeing potatos and garlic popping thru is fun. S and I started to lay out the soaker hose in the front beds too but need more parts.

A lady messaged about the green dresser and in short order was out to see it. In short order it was loaded up and she was on her way. Good couple days for dresser sales.

Now to update all the sale sites and such.

After 3, B and I caught Pepper, Roo, Bird & Switch and took them to Murray for chiropractor treatments. S stayed home to rest his foot but he did prep supper and once we were back, unloaded, fed herbs and reblanketed the horses, he got it all going. Always a treat to have a chef in the house.

After supper he was off to TV room for hockey, Britt headed to the city at 7 for a date and I worked on updating my CM photos, tracking sheets and wrote a blog post for the spice rack. I did trek out to hand water my planters out front but the mozzies were yucky chasing me back in. Then I made my draw for the $100 stencils, I chose a local girl who has purchased from me in the past.

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