Sunday, May 27, 2018

shopping day

Sharon sent a text about the market at 9 which led to a great catch up phone call. There is the first polocrosse jackpot today so in case we went I headed out at 10 to ride Switch as it has been a few days and it was only 18 degrees. perfect for a nice ride.

We decided not to do the polox day, contemplated a trail ride but ended up running to town to fill the truck with fuel, grab an ice cap now that it was getting warmer, drop off my Etsy parcel and pick up an antique vanity.

We were back home at 2:30 and jumped in B's car and were off to the city for a little retail therapy. We stopped at the girls place first to get some things from B's old room and had a visit with Shaina before heading to a thrift store. We both scored quite a few treasures!!

2 trays of these ;)

We grabbed sushi for the supper ride home, yummy. On our way by Costco we stopped in hopes of getting a camera card but it was closed so we went to my favorite store Home Sense where we came out an hour later with MORE treasures.


And on route home we swung thru town to see if Walmart had the card and back to the ranch at 8. Unloaded and  catching up on things before B went out for a ride after 9 and I watered the pots, then we both watched Netflix. It was a perfect day.

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