Thursday, May 10, 2018

lessons and injections

The bad cat was back last night early around 10:30m this time even B heard him from her room. How are we going to get rid of this pest prince? B was off early and today I managed to sleep till about 8:30, yeah. It had rained a bit thru the night, just enough to create muddy dog feet.

I headed off to my lessons before 10 remembering to grab spurs this time too. The overcast day had us inside again but that works good for Switch's and my concentration. The lesson was on direction transitions as well as speed transitions from last Tuesday. I got her untacked and put in a stall to dry and in my car just before noon.

I had to jet back to town as I have acupuncture appointment at noon so was 10 minutes late. She has a new procedure she trained for where a solution is injected in the musclues. And she surely found my sore points. I grabbed a hot tea & chicken crossaint to eat at home, filled my car with diesel and grabbed the mail. Stirrup leathers arrived from Australia!

I ate quick, tossed a bale for the horses, fed the cats and came in to soak the injected muscles in a hot tub full of Epsom salts, ahhhhhh. Tash stopped around 4 to look at the stools I had painted and unpainted hoping they worked together but just too different. She did leave with the teal press back chair and a sweet frame, thanks again Tash!

Time to actually cook a meal so made goulash. B was a bit later then 7 today so I ate first then she did once home. I worked on marketing & accounting with hot bean bags working the muscles too. I did go out and hand water some and get the soakers going on others and brought Lola in too. It is my mastermind plan that conquers 2 tasks at once. B and Coop laid on the couch until she finally hit the shower. Hello Call the midwife.

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