Saturday, May 12, 2018

beauty day spent outside

B was off to work but not until after 9. I made us coffee for her to take on the drive and she was off. I put on sunscreen my yard hat and was off to work in the garden. I planted my potatoes and seeds then dug perennials. I offered them up for free, and had 2 ladies pop out after lunch to get some with another one coming later. I had a quick bite of potato salad (thanks Momma K) then back outside.

While I worked on the garden beds I watered the island with the soaker hose,. It seems I now for sure who the digger is.. Master Cooper. He even made himself a watering hole since Lola guards all her water dishes.

Once the garden was done I moved the soaker hose over and set up to run for 3 hours on it. An occasional break in the cool garage had me setting up for tomorrows paint class.

overlook the random sticks, they are dog digging deterents

I moved to the back flower bed trimming, digging grass and dandelions and then onto the island and lilacs. It seems the 23 degrees which seemed hotter with no wind, found a missing spot on my back where I could not reach and the top had a hole in it.

B was home around 5, we worked on brushing dogs and one cat ;) We ate quick, B had more potato salad too (we have lived on this and the mac salad all week along with the goulash hahaha) and headed out for a ride in the beautiful evening.

B washed Bird then gave Roo her first hosing while I put Hawk in the small pen then we put the 2 blacks in. Time to hit the shower and apply more aloe.

We went out all fresh and clean and put them back in the paddocks, what a beauty day.. minus the sunburn ;)

 a blur of black

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