Tuesday, May 22, 2018

trail ride

Another beauty day off for us all. It was a slow start with B not rising till 10:30 after getting home at 2:30 last night. I got a few trees water going and hand watered planters while S worked on pounding in more tree fertilizer spikes.

Our plan was to go trail ride today but I found us a closer new location to try. I packed up some drinks and snacks then Britt and I caught Bird, Switch and Pepper and got them ready to load. Once tack was loaded and them we headed to the river to ride. What a BEAUTIFUL ride we had.

It was less then 2 hours but we sure got a good feel as to future rides and river swimming once the high waters go down. We were back home by 2:30 hosed them, fed them and headed inside for a shower. It is a hot one at 27 out.

S and I were off to town after 5, he dropped me at my lash appointment and ran errands picking me back up after 7. We tried the new steak house in town and were very impressed.

Back home we found the A/C was not cooling but heating. This issue happened last year and it needed a new thermostat, luckily S got it sorted and working again but we may have to replace again if it doesn’t keep up. B was gone to baseball but home by 10 to prep for back to work tomorrow ;)

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