Saturday, September 30, 2017

paint class

Dang the weather is no longer the dream I hoped, this morning I awoke to dreary cool wind, boo. Perfect though to be inside for a paint class all day. Britt had made it to the town near the castle but the sick girls finding remedies had them miss the bus and now waiting an hour.. B is getting lots of life lessons in patience. Here is a pic she sent, her German roots ;) She has been anticipating this castle since they booked.

With a couple coffees I continued my blog updates and marketing posts, Lola lept off the deck and sure enough 2 coyotes were crossing the east end of the field. She got them moved along  then sat guard near the new horse paddock. Britt text just after lunch (of course evening there) after getting back from the castle and elated that it is indeed her favorite place. And the lost phone was found in the other gals purse - lucky!

Time to do last minute paint class prep, tools needed and snacks

While waiting for the paint class ladies to show I started the black wax on the navy dresser. I distressed the edges of one drawer and not the other to try and decide what to do. What do you think?

The ladies arrived before 1 and for the next 4 + hours I coached them to create 2 very unique stools. Both ladies went with the colors I did the bench that is for sale and both looked different. The power of paint!

Once I closed the gate behind them I got the garage cleaned back up and the demo pieces all hauled back in too. Time to cook up some hamburger soup, perfect for an ugly weather day that spit rain mid afternoon and as they were leaving.

Grey's entertained me while I caught up on my marketing and blog updates. The wind picked up later in the evening with a forecasted storm to roll in tomorrow night ;( goodbye nice weather. I got Lola tucked in for the night, night a soak in the tub before moving to my cozy bed to continue the Grey's marathon. The girls were home after 11:30, had some soup and headed downstairs.

Happy 14th birthday to master Vance today too!! XOXO

Friday, September 29, 2017

paint class prep continues

Kaylin had a normal work time today getting out the door around 9. It was another beautiful sunny day and since the week has gone 21, 22, 23 then 24, will today hit 25?

I gave the long dresser its second coat of navy paint and continued my garage cleaning for tomorrows paint class.

Loading all the recyclables into Sadie I set off for town mid afternoon. The car temperature read 24.5.. close enough to 25 for me so yeah! I grabbed an ice cap to celebrate this great fall weather At the recycle facility I ran into a friend and caught up on the cardboard platform in the lovely sunshine. My next stop at the bank ended up being a long process as I told them I was changing banks and they had me sit down with a "salesperson". After an hour at the darn bank, I went first to the car to grab my melted ice cap then to ATB to check out the new account deals and ended up spending almost an hour there catching up with Kim and getting the details :)

By now it was 5:30 and since none of the girls would be home for supper I grabbed Opa!! Picked up the mail on the way home and ate it there with a cold lime-a-rita. The house thermometer says 26!! It is such a beauty day. I could deal with this weather year round. I headed back out to unload the car, put away the horse laundry,water my flower pots and watched the sun set by 7:30 now ;(

Class tomorrow required the half bath cleaned and entry way, snack tray preppared etc, the classes are lots of prep work but worth it as the poor house gets neglected with my painting ventures. I worked on blog posts and marketing while watching Grey's Anatomy which led to continuing in bed once I had Lola tucked away. Lexi of course has to get her share of snuggles in too.

I was watching it well into the night, just in time to chat with Britt yet again. This morning it was evening of Oktoberfest there and she had lost 2 of the girls and trying to find them while escorting the 3rd who was feeling the beer. I suggested she get her back to their hostel and the others would eventually get back which they did. One however got back without her phone ;( and now at 2:30 am they were supposed to be on a train to sleeping beauty castle (click the link) but the hungover girls had them late and missing it. Oh my, poor B ;) We chatted for about half an hour then I finished another episode and shut off the iPad after 3:30. Kaylin had messaged at 2 she and Shaina were staying in the city now too after drinking their $10/beers at pretend Oktoberfest ;)

Thursday, September 28, 2017

another horse clinic and beauty day

Awoke to Britt texting with debit card cash withdrawal issues so I got on the phone with the bank. Seems they cant really help with out her calling them and seeing she in on a train to Germany that might not happen. Time for coffee and a paint project. The long dresser I thought I was going to go grey milk paint but after online research I saw a photo and was inspired to go navy, so navy it is.

I was painting when Kaylin came out around 10:30 to say she was off to the city for a massage before her work shift, have a good day! I finished up the first coat on all and stopped for bite to eat after 12. Shaina was up and getting ready to head to the city for her training

I gave the dresser a power sand and was wiping as the rustic bench custom order gal arrived. She is a great customer having taken my paint class and bought quite a few things, thanks Georgina. We got her stuff loaded up and on her way.

Since I was now outside in the 24 degree sunshine I got my tack ready to take tonight and did more horse trailer arranging, bringing some stuff in including washing KD's fly sheet and putting stuff in barn, then barn stuff in house ;)

Candace had called and while chatting I looked out to see horses around the fire pit, dang. While still chatting I kept them away and once hung up moved them to the paddock catching Switch for tonight. This led to trimming her feet with my new tools.

Once complete I put her in a paddock and changed out of my sweaty dirty clothes, grabbed a water and power bar for my quick snack and recaught her yet again. Darren and Sharon pulled in a little after 5, she loaded up quick and we were off to our working equitation obstacle clinic. What a gorgeous evening, no bugs, warm and only 3 in the clinic so pretty hands on. It did get dark as were were finishing but we all got to give the course a run after our practice on the obstacles. Switch did well when she wasn't being a floozy over Timba ;)

Loaded by 8:15 and on the road homedropping me just after 9:30. I let her out with the herd and put tack away in the barn, jumped in the shower and chowed down a bowl of chili with a cold beer.  I went out a couple times to get Lola in but no luck but I did see 2 shooting stars withing 30 seconds while out there! Eventually she gave in and led me tot he garage. I had just shut out the kitchen lights and got computers up and running after a power out while gone when Kaylin arrived home at 11. She and I visited over her bowl of chili then she hit the shower before crawling into bed with me. Gonna miss this cute roomies when they move out in a couple weeks. <3

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Ombre dresser staged and revealed to the public

Shaina left for work after 10. Kaylin has today off.. sleep in day for her, well until 10:30 as I was fixing a drawer edge of the dresser I hauled in.  I staged a few photos and posted knowing this style would bring lots of comments. Both Shaina and Kaylin do not like it. Still not sure of the top knob choice, I think I will leave that to the buyer. I got it posted for sale and on a few sites for feedback, guess if it is not a hit I repaint, right?

The 4-H leader popped out to grab the marked books just before noon and had a short visit. Kaylin was off to the city to spend the day with Jessica #2 from Ont just after lunch. Now to restage the dresser with other knobs and better staging

I started setting up for paint class; wiping the table, building the step stools, getting tools etc and paint colors and finishes display set up. Next it was on to the long dresser, the drawers are sticky so sanded the sides with a bit of luck then worked on putting the feet on, they needed straightening and additional nuts to hold tight.

Another gorgeous day at 22 outside so I had to get out and water the veggies still growing and putz around and even enjoy a frosty pina colada (dont want the mix to go bad)

Then it was blogging and marketing, by supper the poll post had hit almost 4000 views with many opinions ;) I watched more Grey's as I did, nearly done season 2. Shaina was home after golf shift and running boot camp at 8:30 and picked me up some Edo for supper, thanks lovey!! She then got to studying for her new job training that starts tomorrow in the city. It is at a restaurant called Home and Away. Kaylin was home just before 10. I was still watching grey's when Shaina came up from her bath to study and sleep in my room. I finally shut the lights out at 1, enough of this day for us.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

ombre dresser challenge

Poor Kaylin was off in the dark today leaving at 5 AM!! Lexi and I were up at 6 and saw she had left never hearing a peep out of her and it was still dark. Time to get painting now the Prince has gone to work. My project today was going out of my comfort zone and doing an ombre drippy paint look on the small maple dresser Travis brought over.  Shaina was off to work after 10.

another hilarious find of the pony stuffy, she even piled on grass tufts I had pulled

The dresser was an all day project, not favorable style for an type A personality who is always fiddling and making more work. I had all the painting or so I thought done by the time Shaina was back home between her golf shift at 6.

I sprayed some hardware satin nickel

I kept seeing the white to high so added more blue on the front and more drips and painting and drips and it was an all day thing till this point

I did not have supper ready for but she had ate so after a rest was off to town for yoga around 7. I did make the chili then went out to poly the dresser. Chili was well simmered when Kaylin got home around 8:30 after her very long day. After eating she was off to soak in my tub with her new bath bomb. Shaina was home not long later getting her fill of chili too and even putting the leftovers away as I was back out dark waxing the dresser and installing hardware, thanks Dude.

so then it was which hardware knobs, left or right so I put a poll post on my FB page, right was the overwhelming winner

Monday, September 25, 2017

lovely weather continues

Poor Kaylin had a 7 am shift and was out the door at 6.  Shaina was to work at 10 so I rousted her at 9:30 as Sheldon and I took our coffee to go and headed west to work with Roo. She was a bit fresh when trying to catch her but soon she allowed me to halter her and get on with her lesson. It was such a beautiful day out we did it all outside. After letting her go we had to search for one missing lens cap Mr K lost in the field. I found it eventually and we were off.

Back home a quick bite to eat and a wee nap for the prince before time to head to the airport. I hauled out two of the new dressers to remove hardware and scrub up as he was off after 2 looping thru town for gas and drop off a screw for me to a customer. Thanks!

While the dressers dried I did some marketing and headed out into the 21 sunshine to trim a few trees and look for more things to do before winter rolls in. Things are looking good. Back in the garage it was time to do repairs; drawers were brad nailed, slide guides added and drawer corners rebuilt.

 enjoyed a frosty pina colada after my hard work in the sunshine ;)

I pulled out the 4H record books I was asked to mark at 7 and got to it. Shaina arrived home around 7:30 after golf course shift and boot camp. she brought tacos she had for lunch and gave me one, thanks dude. Then she was off just before 8 to go personal train Sharon and back home an hour later. I was still doing the books finishing after 10 but the bonus was I fit in 3 Grey's Anatomy episodes while marking ;) We were having a bowl of ice cream when Kaylin arrived home from her very long day of work then having met Jessica for supper and the movie IT.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Sunny Sunday for fall clean up

What a beautiful Sunday .. sunny and warm. Kaylin was off for an 8 am start time, Shaina does not work till 1 so of course slept late.

In the garage I worked on shelving for the dresser and found this perfect side of my old dresser Sheldon popped out the box of the truck and smashed, at least is could help repurpose this one right? I spent some time deconstructing it and the broken drawers for parts. FB algorithm says live videos are the key to getting on buyers feeds so I did a couple on Instagram and FB throughout the day of my stock to paint and finished pieces needing homes.

Sheldon continued watering trees with the catch tanks then harrowed the paddocks. I put away a pile of yard furniture and decoration and watered the west flower bed well. Harvesting fresh carrots and beets for supper in the 17 degree sunshine and no wind was lovely.

teepee still standing, check out his center tie down rope ;)

my Belgian mums are blooming like crazy!! It just so happens Britt is in Belgium and had a great day there, it was 25 degrees. Tomorrow they are off to Paris. We had an actual phone call today at 4 pm my time midnight hers. She is having a great trip ;)

As I was tidying the yard I saw both rhubarb plants were begging to be used so posted free rhubarb on FB. In minutes I had 6 people lined up, wait I have to pluck and cut off the leaves. I filled a BOX!

I quickly did this and arranged to meet most at the gate and not one to miss a multi task chore I pushed the wheel barrow down to the pit too. The dogs always enjoy coming along but anytime near the highway is nerve wracking with those 2 non recall not traffic smart ones.

Back to the house to start cooking up a fine supper of my garden harvested spaghetti squash, beets, beets tops, carrots and a bison burger sauce. Kaylin was home at 6 and had a quick nap before we ate late at 7:30 waiting for Dude who could not make it till after 8 bringing her friend Carley along to enjoy it too. All the girls watched TV before Shaina ran Carley back to town around 10 and back home after 11.