Friday, July 7, 2017

back to work

Sheldon headed back to work today leaving early, 4 am to get his 6 am flight. He did however let Lola out of the baking garage which required me to go get her back in for those left sleeping. Britt was not far behind as per usual. Seeing it is forecast for yet another scorcher I got out prepping the lawn and cutting grass after 9. It was already 22! I finished up after 11 when my school friend Jean stopped with an antique dresser for me to relove. We had a great hour plus visit before she was off to the zoo. Stampede starts today so the city will be hopping.

Not long after as I was sitting on the deck with the 3 musketeers another customer arrived to pick up a frame. She is the dog lover so had a quick visit too before jetting off.

It is 31 degrees and not a cloud in the sky. Hot hot hot but I got busy in the garage painting the cedar chest in cream milk paint. Sanding distressing and waxing were my tasks. It sure was warm in there at 30 but with the big door open it was like a warm fan ;) and the products dried fast. The customer had many updates and changes but I had it almost finished when Britt arrived home at 7, bringing Vietnamese take out as I text requested .. yum! Finally I am hungry and feel like eating and as per usual will have a few more meals from this one order ..bonus!

We then took the dogs for a walk but it was still 29 so was a bit shorter then last night. B got ready to go over to Hannah's for a bit and I finished up the cedar chest. She was feeding the 2 horses when Lesley text just before 10 saying there was a spot for her to play a grade... at 8 am! She caught Bird and I took her to the barn while she ran to change, tack up Bird then ride to see if she was still off like the other night. Sure enough she was leaving Britt to choose not to push her to play. Pretty hard choice to make when it was A grade and with a US team.                                  

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