Friday, June 30, 2017

We have a hay rake

Sheldon had arranged a hay rake viewing near Lethbridge this am so he had coffee going and prepping to go fairly early. He tried to run to the dump after 9 but no luck, it was closed so caught the south one on his way. I was off to town to drop Coco off for her spa day, pick up parcels for Shaina and Britt, return the shorted out sander and drop a trunk full of treasures off a the take it or leave it.

my one and only peony bloom this year, hope the other bud opens up

Back at the ranch I hosed KD then got to painting the cedar chest. As I was sending pictures to the buyer with the cream coat on and sanded back she changed her mind on the base color! So it was back to the drawing board and painting it all over in the bright azure color.

Coco was done at 1 but had to wait until I finished up the blue coat before running to town to get her. I grabbed groceries quick on the way home. Car says 28 degrees

Sheldon made it safley home after travelling 50 km/hr with his "new" rakejust after 4, whew long day but successful if we get a 2nd cut. He was soon off to town to scoop up the rental house deck replacement not needed parts to return so he had the trailer for small bales.

Deb made it back about 4:30 needing a cold beverage after her last few days of adventures. Sheldon joined us after his lumber returns then headed out to pick up the 47 small squares.

new rake and small squares rolling in

Britt got home before 7, tended to her horse then kindly hosed and medicated KD.

I whipped up chili for the troops which we finally started eating around 830 when Mom arrived. Kaylin and Shaina came out too, Shaina scoring the last of the chili. Britt was off to town while Sheldon, Kaylin and I unloaded the horse trailer into the storage trailer in short order. The rest came into her room. Shaina and I went out to try the new ceramic infused back on track healing boot on KD while Sheldon made a fire. Kaylin visited a bit then was headed back to stay in the city as she works at 7 am.

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