Wednesday, June 28, 2017

small projects on a windy day

B was up and off early, we were up and having coffee at 7:30. Poor Deb had a flat tire on the QE2 last night.. scary for sure as it is a FAST highway and no one stopped to help but she did find a call out repairman who got her back on the road. She was off to find a new rim and tire this am.

Sheldon headed out in the wind to start baling around 8:30 as rain is supposed to roll in by 2 ;( He got a few but seemed tough so moved on to hauling off all the bales rolled up so far.

I got busy washing brushes and such, finishing white wrap washing, hosing and linamenting KD and serving refreshments to the Prince in his skid steer. I have another huge project coming in for next week so wanted to get prepared for it, plus it is nice to get all back in order between anyway. KD seems a bit better which is good, hope it is just not the bute though.

I started light sanding on the cedar chest I purchased a few weeks back in Chestemere ( the non speeding ticket lucky day) and posted it for custom painting. It was immediately called requiring much back and forth with photos and such for a color choice. I did spend a bit of time doing wood filler repairs.

Another small project I had Sheldon look into after he tried to bale but it was too tough was the bird nest and birds I swear I heard in the dormer eve. Sure enough he found a huge nest, dead baby but after we precariously went thru the attic found indeed a live fledgling but no way could we get it out. Prince left the soffit area open hoping it would find its way out. I just hope the mother does not find way back in once we solve this.

I swept all the shavings out of the horse trailer earlier then rolled up the mats and got grunge from under pushed out. Sheldon hooked it up and we pulled to the hose to hose out. I even got the scrub brush and cleaner and removed allot of crud off the walls. We left it to dry ready for tomorrow's big move for Kaylin. The wee bit of rain came down as we were finishing hosing but was only a few drops.

The poor garden and flower beds are drying out so fast in this horrid wind. I watered some before coming in to cook up a chicken dinner. Sheldon had to run to a rodeo meeting so I ate with Britt when she got home from work before 7. Then she and I went out to ride in the arena as it was STILL windy. Sheldon was in the house having ate now when we got in after 9. Mom had called with sad news that uncle Ken had passed ;( Very sad.

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