Thursday, June 8, 2017

booth check and restock

Today is head to the booth day to restock and drop some prices.

wanna play? anyone?

I was off to town to meet Monica at 10. The depressed economy seems to keep things slow but I did get a small check for last month and see this little sweetie sold. A silver glass decanter smashed ;(, guess I it could have been a bigger pricier piece.

We were back to town by 1 with a couple quick errands before heading back home to unload and update my books. The day was mainly cloudy but another 27 so out to pick some weeds and water the front flower bed by hand. They are forecasting a storm tonight so just want to be sure the peony gets wet. I also did some touch ups on the table and affixed the brass toe caps back on, now just need help to haul in and stage. I had hauled in a couple light fixtures this morning and decided to see if the new shades I bought worked and now have to decide colors to paint them, suggestions?

I also have a potential sale on the teal cabinet above to be picked up tomorrow, fingers crossed.

I had supper made for Shaina when she arrived after her 7 o'clock shift ended but seeing the storm was coming we headed out to ride. Good thing we sorted the arena watering as the rain drops started, I tossed her my horse to tie up and got the sprinkler going. It watered the arena while we tacked up and Shaina fine tuned KD's fetlocks. The choice to ride indoors was the best as the predicted storm arrived right on time. Lightening and rain pelted down with thunder to boot, one particularly loud one startled both horses. Great way to work on loads of distractions while at task. We finished up and just giving Switch her supplements when the power went black. We put them out as the rain was letting up a bit and after getting to the house and eating in the semi darkness it did let up fully.

It was now almost 9 so Shaina was off for home and Britt and I made a run back to town to pick up her car. It seems when the garage finally got it in today they could see anything wrong but when they got the tire shop report they agreed there was an issue back right but they could not fix it. SHEESH so home it comes to sit until a frame shop appointment is made.

Not long after we got home the power came back on and the rain started up again with occasional thunder and lightening. Seems there was even a tornado warning put out as well as the severe thunderstorm warning. Rain is good but glad no hail or tornadoes were part of it. Britt worked on lunch prep and then headed down for her 10 pm bedtime while I updated the blog and washed up dishes and the kitchen for another day. I also finished season 2 of Sense8, now what to watch?

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