Sunday, April 30, 2017

last day in April 2017

Crazy it is April 30th The day started out lovely and sunny but a bit blustery I noticed when putting the water on to soak the front bed tulips. Sun is all we really need though right?

Did I mention Brad headed to Bali to join Shaina? Yep he did with a few glitches before safely meeting up. Here she is with Kate on Gilli T beach

While savoring my coffee I posted my projects on linky parties then headed to the garage to get last of the organizing done for tomorrows class. I scrubbed up a wooden bowl to rejuvenate with hemp oil amidst my cleaning and setting up.

Amanda tagged me in some cheap dressers. I hummed and hawed as to get them then finally decided to run to get them, in the city. I rousted Britt to come along after her lazy day "cleaning" her room. Hooking up the horse trailer was done in record time and by 2:30 we were out the gate.

It seems my GPS siri had us take a convoluted route to this home on a narrow hill but we made it. Not all that I hoped to get was worth it but we did manage to load up 3 dressers and a wee free end table.

please note these are seller pictures

The next stop was to the new Costco off 17th to do a couple returns and get some supplies. Sheesh is was rushed as they close at 5, who knew!  We did encounter blips of rain along the way and cloudy blustery weather but now that we were heading to the truck the sun was out. Being hungry we sampled the cinnamon buns and snap peas on our drive home.

Back home we unloaded our food, I started cooking the souvlaki pork Britt requested with rice while she went to put out hay - without being asked!! but the alternative was putting Costco away so she even took time to play with Lola ;)

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