Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Free furniture day - loads of pictures

Another crappy sleepless night had me watching Downton Abbey at 1 as Britt got home from Beauty and the Beast. And even my relaxing music till 4 did not work. Coughing at 6 and up by 8:30 started my lacking zzzzzs day. I delivered coffee to the Prince but he kept sleeping till 9:30. I put a coat of poly on the vanity top again and got the last few items tagged to take to the booth.

Sheldon came along and we pitched hay on our way out of the yard just after 10. I did roust Britt too to feed Lola. The booth was pretty quiet and had everything fluffed and folded in 40 minutes. A gal had dropped a roll top desk off for me, for free which we loaded. My efficient helper may have been a bit to muscular and pulled the top off.

Our next stop was to a friend who is cleaning out a grama house for a friend. We did a walk thru of all the house to see what I could use if the gal did not want it shipped in the pod to the west coast. We also scored an antique chair, coat rack, vintage magazine table, a mirror and a wood chair. Now to see what the gal wants and be back to load up more in a bit. Shaina text she landed safely back home, yeah!

Both of us were getting a bit hungry so stopped at Cross Iron to get a hot bowl of pho. Sadly it was not the best and we left vowing not to try it a 3rd time as last time Sheldon did not enjoy his soup then either. We took the route thru town to drop Britt a check at her big girl drivers test, pieced up some beer/baileys to restock and hit a couple parts stores to find a trailer latch Prince needed.

We arrived back at the ranch to unload around 3. I tossed on another coat of poly and since we were unloading I had Prince help me haul the finished roll top inside. I wanted to put it at our front door. This led to a HUGE purge and sort of what was being stored in the huge dresser currently there. But in the end the change was huge and so much better.


AFTER - SOOOO much better, sad it took so long to get our home looking like the vision I sell daily but it is coming along ;) soon I will get the sideboard done too.. or the hutch.. hmmm

Of course mid way thru Britt arrived home successfully passing her test and wanting pictures with her dogs and horse. The plus 17 sunshine was worth heading out to do it. Sheldon had ran the trash to the dump and back to nap on the couch. Britt pulled out he new polox ball and gave it a go after conditioning Bird..she even pitched hay to the horses sans being asked, well done B!

I finished up the entry way area as Sheldon prepped some veggies a and steak for supper topped off with his choice of KD ;) It was all good. A soak in the tub with a bowl of ice cream and it was not long before he was sleeping and I wrote up the blog and watched some Downton (2 new seasons should keep me busy). Britt was staying again tonight as lecture was cancelled for the morning.

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