Saturday, April 8, 2017

date night

Prince was up early making coffee today. Think he forgot it was Saturday ;) It did have us on our projects fairly early. He went to work continuing to organize the shop after pitching hay. The mirror got the dark wax treatment and hauled inside to dry.

I started 2 jars with the spray project but soon found out that it stays tacky for awhile and if rolls in the spray box it will make a mess requiring it to all be soaked off ;/ I mixed up slate milk paint and put first coat on the quilt rack then moved to the coffee table. B home at noon as I was putting the first coat of cream on the coffee table base, she ate soup and went to bed ;/

 Lunch break for Prince and I, he had his usual after dinner rest then headed back to the shop. I was back at the quilt rack coat two and the coffee table. Once the milk paint dried I gave it a black wax finish. It for sure made the slate look like actual slate, much better.

black wax all on (L) and wiped off (R) and raw paint behind

2nd coat on and wet distressed below

The little jar I cleaned was repainted as was the vanity stool with what remaining paint I had left. I staged the set inside quick and will do again when stool is ready.


Cleanup time and hit the shower for me. I want to make a pie for Easter dinner tomorrow before we got to Stouts for the evening. However the recipe says serve hot so I will make tomorrow. Prince lost track of time tidying and did not come in to eat and clean up till after 7. We were off to Stouts to enjoy a fun evening of catching up till about 1 am. Britt pitched hay and was off to lick the hair of the dog at OJ's.
the threatening rain had the ponies is a playful romp..sadly no real rain came ;( check out the grass turning green, last 3 days have really made a difference

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