Tuesday, April 18, 2017

beauty day +15

Britt was up and having breakfast at 6 am. She French pressed her coffee even and was out the door by 6:30 off to Moore's for her first day. Good Luck B! Prince was back home to make coffee this morning. He worked on his hockey pool updates for the morning as I got marketing done.  He did run out quick before lunch to pitch a bale using his new furniture mover unlike us tough girls who just pack it ;)

A photo of Shaina was on Facebook proving she arrived safely in Bali. Have fun girls!!

After lunch I headed to the garage to sand, wipe and put first coat of paint on the called magazine rack. The day was gorgeous with sunshine and minimal wind and +15 so we had to get out. I hauled out my overwintered plants for a bit of sun and got busy pulling old plants and smoothing all my flower beds and garden. Sheldon emptied his mouse trap, hooked up the front deck hose and soaker hose on the now ready south bed then scooped a bit of poop around the garden. Time for a cold beer on the deck before he graded the lane. I continued yard work then gave Lola a good brush and dusted with flea powder. We found 2 on her while relaxing on the deck. Time to haul the plants back in and make tacos for supper.

Britt arrived home from her long first day at 7 as I was planning to catch horses for us to ride but the weather had changed. It started to cloud over and the temps dropped so I just finished some watering and poop scooping and came in. she ate some leftovers from last night hit the tub for a soak and then was lounging in her bed. Sheldon watched the oilers game. I started to pack for our trip then had myself a soak and watch a few more Outlanders. A rain squall hit at around 8 bringing some rain but did not last long but did roll in again after 11 this time with thunder and wind.

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