Friday, January 8, 2016

spice rack done

Holy cow she was a cold one today, -18!! BRRRRR It was heavy fog too. I gave the spice rack a 2nd coat of paint and left to dry when I headed over to have a 3 hour coffee visit with Sharon at 11. THANKS Sharon, I sure miss our coffee catch ups at work and even if far between now it is so fun to catch up. Plans for a card night has to work in 2016 with the guys too ;)
Sharon was purging and sent this little beauty home for me to relove ;)

Back home the thick fog remains, time to wet distress the rack, check with the buyer then once given the OK, poly it up a few coats.
Grady dropped Britt off at 5, I made chicken noodle soup for supper along with hot lemon and honey and a couple vitamin C and soon she was asleep on the couch for a wee nap.
 can you find the fluffy puppy in the foggy distance
Once awake she visited while we watched cooking shows and she had another bowl of soup. The cooking shows inspired her to make blueberry muffins while I sorted thru a massive pile of photocopied recipes.. oh my! My collection runneth over!  The temperature is now down to -20, time to curl up in our cozy beds for a good nights sleep while Lola and the ponies hunker down in the deep freeze.

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