Wednesday, January 27, 2016

flames game score

My rash was crazy itchy last night eventually leading to a sleeping pill at 1:45 am. I finally got to sleep and managed to wake at 10, when the Prince awoke as well, after 14 hours of sleep ;) We were off to town before 11 where he dropped me at my Dr. She sent me for blood work which took 2 attempts to get done due to the long lines.

In between attempts we met with Candace and Reese for a good visit at Tim's. Back at the lab, it was an hour wait for a 6 minute and 10 tube blood letting ;) While waiting for me, Sheldon scored tickets for tonight Flame's game. A very large armoire was on the pick up list as well, whew good thing I had help for this purchase.

We grabbed a burger on the way home, enjoyed a cold drink before his buddies picked him up and they were off! Now me, I made a tea and started season 5 of Scandal.
Coco loves snow cones

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