Thursday, January 14, 2016

city run

Today was yet another slow start. Coffee internet and prepping to head to the city were in order before we were off by 11:30. It was only zero and snow was starting to fall. It seemed to get worse as we went. A quick stop at a store for Sheldon then he dropped me off at my new naturopathic doctor, young Dr Tim Warwick, son of Dr Dave. It was really nice to see Tim after watching him grow up while I worked at the Hanna Dental Clinic. He did an extra long initial appointment just because of the connection which worked out awesome cause Sheldon was at the Mercedes dealership getting the car detailed and it was to be about 2 hours too. I only had to wait about half hour for him to pick me up and we headed to Market Mall to see if Kaylin was working. By now, the sun was out and things melting, so much for a spotless shiny exterior on the car! Unfortunately she was in a manager's meeting so we missed her but did grab a scrumptious salted caramel mocha at Starbucks (Sheldon chose plain coffee ... boo)
 I chose my favorite beach salad and Sheldon his tuna club

Next stop Costco to reload then treat ourselves to supper at Joey's (thanks to Hal for the gift cards he gave us for skid steer use last summer) Delicious! We made a quick stop in Chestemere to pick up some chalk paint, a free sample Country Chic was offering so thought I should try as well as grab some limes at Safeway. I chose a limited edition color called sugar plum. As we drove home, the snow started to fall again but was almost gone by the time we hit the ranch.

We unloaded quick before a fellow co-worker stopped out to visit and watch a hockey game. After they went down to TV room, I got cozy and tried to watch more Making a Murderer. I shut it down just before midnight when they did.

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