Monday, January 11, 2016

passing of a legend

Overcast Monday hit a high of -2 which was nice. I worked on projects adding a couple more coats of poly to the coffee table  then bringing in to stage and post once dry.

 look at those legs and sides

The dining table got sanded, a coat of poly put on and then I worked at trying to clean out the table edge designs that paint filled, ooo what a pain. The cleaning ladies are coming tomorrow morning so of course the house needs to be tidy so that was more of my day.

The saddest part though is that I booked an appointment for Julio for Wednesday but during the day he was failing even more. I took him out the last of the senior feed I could find  at 5 and he was slow to walk to the fence but he ate it up and then laid down. This is not something this boy does so I knew he was getting really tired. It was breaking my heart but he kept up a brave face. I got him a warm blanket and checked him every half hour, brushing, visiting and taking water. Each time I went out he would sit up and nicker. The other horses came soon after he laid down and each said hello. Switch however wanted to keep trying to get him up and pulling at the blanket so I put her in the hay pen which she was not to pleased with. I also was able to check with the flashlight from the deck as he was close every 10 mins between going out. One of the trips out, I found the Xmas lights had tripped the breaker so just plugged in for additional light and color to keep him company. Another trip out he had stretched out moving the blanket mostly under him so I ran and fetched another one to add on top. Hope this keeps him comfortable.

My vigil continued till 9 when he seemed to be more tired but even when I went to let D back in the garage he tried to sit up after laying down so I grabbed another coat and sat with him, telling him stories about the things he would see in heaven like lush green grass, buckets of oats, no fences and pretty fillies but I totally forgot to remind him of the heavenly mud puddles. I told him how happy we were to have had him in the family and for teaching the girls and I how to play the game called polocrosse, how he was a legend at the sport and how his huge heart and tough as nails determination made him the champ, how lucky he was Jac saved him off the meat truck and in return he gave about 20 more years of service, I asked him to say hi to Twix, Scooter, Cricket, Zoe, Sunny, old Billy but I forgot my 2nd love Duffy (please add to list Ju). But most of all I told him how much we all loved him and missed him but were truly blessed to have known him! I told him it was ok to leave us now as he had given his best in his over 30 years and could now rest. He passed away at 9:55 pm RIP Julio, you are our legend!

his favorite color... mud!
 this is him playing in his late 20's
My sadness had the dogs upset especially D when I came in but they soon settled down. I spent the next hour and a half letting people know and posting a few pics up on FB in his honor. He really is a legend in the polo/polox world. Lola was on duty but I decided a tarp would be a good idea so at 11:30 I trudged thru the snow with her close behind and found the Big Rock beer bale wrapper. It is quite heavy so I used it to cover him, there is no wind so should be ok with no wieghts or pegging down. The fog rolled in thick blocking all lights from surrounding farms. Time to finish the blog and have a hot shower.

1 comment:

  1. Julio will leave hoof prints in many hearts. A life well lived filled with much love and affection - given both ways.
    PS Arnold McKee has about 30 mustangs raising newbees every year.
