Sunday, November 17, 2013

936 - sunny Sunday

Day 936 I was awoke to a woofing dog at 8:30, lucky the sun was blazing over the sparkly snow. It was brisk though at -15.
 check out the drift behind the shelter fence
I lit a warm cozy fire and enjoyed a bit of time on Pinterest. I also tried to figure out how to stop magpies from stealing cat food as I watched them go in and out under the doors of the shop all morning.
Mom popped out around 10:30 to pick up a growth ruler sold to a customer in Oyen so she took it along with the dresser, THANKS MOM!!
Britt was up fairly early for a Sunday morning around 11, she watched me as I made a batch of pizzelles; Always a family favorite!
Britt went out and created a new cat feeding station out of bales and a blanket, fingers crossed it works as infiltrators have ate a huge Costco size cat food bag in no time those dang magpies! She also shared some treats with the horses who seem to be out of hay again.

The couple who bought the hutch showed just after 1 to load it up.

It did warm up to about -6 but back down to -17 when I drove to town at 2:30 to pick up Shaina and a dresser and headboard. Before supper another customer stopped to drop off 2 dressers they want painted up with a sanded and stained top.
I had put a pork roast with veggies in for supper which the girls and I enjoyed. I checked out my new American Paint paint colors and wax from Funked Up. Yes you see a yellow..
It was a fairly relaxing evening since the cold snap was back and the night was dark earlier each day. I tried a sure fire way to get Diego's 3 "horse sized" pills down in one gulp, and that is not a stretch, gone in 2 seconds. ;-)
Shaina spent the evening studying the muscle and skeletal systems of dogs and horses, preparing for her working interview tomorrow. If anything, this girl is motivated, GOOD LUCK Shainy!! I hope you get the job and it enlightens you to if this is your calling! xoxoxo
psst..she even has a great lunch packed too for her early 8 am start for her 10 hr day.. or maybe that is only if she gets it but either way she is ready!

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