Sunday, November 3, 2013

922 - snow blowing windy day

Day 922 the wind howled, although around 0 it made the day crappy. We did get an extra hour sleep though. Shaina who came to sleep in the big comfy bed in the night, enjoyed a cozy morning joining me for coffee and technology time. I had put the jewelry frame on auction last night but it was slow but thanks to an internet friend who posted it on her page it picked up for a bit.
Britt was up late but concerned for the pets dressed up warm and trudged thru the blizzard to the shop. She had to dig the quad out inside the doors, guess we best get this closed in better Sheldon. She loaded up a couple bales and took them to the hungry ponies. She refilled the tires with air and fed her cats.. Way to go Britt!!

 off she goes and they see her coming.. happy horses

Shaina worked on cleaning their bathroom and her room a bit which is always nice.

My first big custom work project arrived even with this weather. it is a desk and chair very similar to the one I did but this one needs to match the white dresser she bought from me.
A gal emailed about my sweet desk and I hesitated about saying it was still for sale but finally did, she sent her husband to take a look. Turned out it was Don Peterson, son of Denise, who came from Oyen and I knew when he was little. Small world for sure, He and his little guy took the desk home.
I stained my salt shaker, 2 growth charts as well as painting up a shelf Gail gave me in pretty pink. I am also going to finish another one for her. But best get on the big project as I have 2 other large dressers waiting to be delivered and refinished.
Britt sent me this picture of a burger she cooked up at work yesterday so I nominated her to make supper today, a recipe she has made before, beef enchilada casserole. Both Shaina and I complimented her on the final results, GREAT SUPPER B
her burger from yesterday.. looks good and below my new dating couple
I then glazed the pink shelf in white, washed down and removed all hardware on the desk and waxed miss salt. Last chore of the day was to mark the measurements on the 2 rulers. Shaina ran to town to watch walking Dead with a  friend and text back the roads were terrible. I have heard nothing good all day about them, hello old man winter!

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